The Evolution Of The Democratic Plantation

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Larken Rose
Alt Market
May 14, 2012

A dramatic and well written parable of the insane and despotic nature of our current society.  America has indeed become a propaganda machine designed to encourage self-enslavement.  This is the essence of the collectivist ideal; to convince the masses that they must be subservient to the “greater good”.  But who determines what the “greater good” entails?  Well, the “qualified experts”, of course.  Collectivism is a plague that destroys the creative individualism and freedom of a culture and leaves it a worthless remnant.  The husk of a once meaningful endeavor.  The most successful of all tyrannies are those that are able to manipulate the people into participating in their own subjugation.  In the words of Goethe:

“None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free.”

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4 Responses to “The Evolution Of The Democratic Plantation”

  1. None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free.”

    I like that statement because its true.

  2. As long as the sheep stay distracted with their mindless diversions, they will continue have no clue about their enslavement.

  3. Plus we have the Democrat Republican parties that pretend to oppose each other but really just own the polls to exclude third parties and fraudulently manipulate the results.

    This ensures that the people do not get any real change and that their lock on power and money never stops.

  4. If Mr. Jones had only known 232 years later they’d elect a half black bastard who drive the plantation into the ground, I wonder if he’d gone a different rout.

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