

by john denugent

For those who understand, it comes as no surprise that JFK was assassinated deliberately and exactly on November 22, 1963, on the 53rd anniversary of the day the planners of the evil Federal Reserve first met in Hoboken, New Jersey in 1910. (


The “Federal Reserve” is an involved financial scheme designed so that private Jewish banks after 1913 could issue, lend and control all the money in America. Every dollar is not just printed but borrowed from the Federal Reserve, this private Jewish bank consortium, and each dollar must be paid back at interest, which until the Internet began to spread the truth almost no American understood — except for a few whom the media called “conspiracy nuts” and “antisemites.”

President John Kennedy was planning to abolish the Fed, print “greenbacks” like Abraham Lincoln back in the “Civil War” (that is, print US Treasury money, not “Federal Reserve” notes) and thus free America from a total Jewish financial takeover.


A 2012 book by Michael Collins Piper, author of the magnificent Final Judgment (which solved once and for all the Kennedy assassination – the pdf is found hereFinal_Judgment), wrote a new work with the sarcastic title Confessions of an Antisemite. It issarcastic because Piper has no apology or “confession” to make, and he is no “anti-semite,” but instead knows from a life of experience and study that it is the Jews themselves who are “anti”, anti everybody else living on this earth, and their judaism is a cult of mind control, murder and tyranny that has been fundamentally anti-Gentile for thousands of bloody years.

Confessions of an Antisemitedetails the conversations that ambassador Joseph Kennedy, JFK’s father, and a wealthy banker and film investor, had conducted in 1956 with a wealthy Hollywood agent, TV executive (and later anti-Jewish activist) named DeWest Hooker, discussing how to destroy Jewish media and financial clout in America.

DeWest Hooker at 70. In the late 1940s Hooker, an extremely handsome, aristocratic-looking man with broad shoulders and brilliant blue eyes — I conversed with him in 1985 and again in 1989 — appeared in every national magazine as the model for Hathaway shirts and wore a patch over one eye, as all older readers will recall. Hooker was also the lead male model for Chesterfield cigarettes.)

Kennedy Senior told DeWest Hooker, who had gone on to make lots of money as an agent for MCA (Music Corporation of America, run by the Jewish CEO, Lew Wassermann), and was angling to create Jew-free TV programming:

“We [meaning patriotic non-Jews] lost World War Two, and the Jews won.”

This meant they used WWII and the politicians Roosevelt, Churchill and Stalin to destroy their greatest enemy, Hitler, and his nation of Germany, which had freed itself from both Wall Street and the corresponding financial area of central London, a few blocks full of banks and stock brokers that formally is called “the City of London” – a small neighborhood where literally even the Queen must get permission to enter from the “Lord Mayor” of said “City of London.” (The other fellow is the Mayor of London, who runs a city of eight million, but not the financial district, “the City of London.”)

JoeKennedyWW2jewsMeme Hitler by 1939 had rescued Germany totally from the Great Depression and was not borrowing any money from Wall Street or the City of London — both controlled by Jews — but instead trading, bartering and swopping goods with other countries.(Winston Churchill later confessed to his private secretary, the bisexual part-Jew, Robert Boothby: “Germany’s unforgivable crime before the second world war was her attempt to extricate her economic power from the world’s trading system and to create her own exchange mechanism which would deny world finance its opportunity to profit.” — Winston Churchill to Baron Robert Boothby, quoted in the Foreword, 2nd Ed. Sydney Rogerson, Propaganda in the Next War, 2001.


Robert Boothby (1900-86) was private secretary to Winston Churchill, who like him and other aristocrats was part-Jewish as well (through Winston’s American-Jewish mother, the dusky-complected Jenny Jacobson). Boothby was a Conservative member of Parliament for 62 years, and was made a Baron in 1958, despite seducing the wife of the then future prime minister Harold MacMillan, and sleeping with many men, including a male Jewish gangster, Ronald Kray. Basically, Jews like Boothby (or Shapiro) can do whatever they want once they control the money and media in a country.


The Wikipedia article on Joseph Kennedy Senior,,_Sr, has TEN PARAGRAPHS on the very strong pro-German, pro-Hitler and anti-Jewish views and actions of the Kennedy patriarch as shown when he was a Hollywood investor and then US ambassador to Britain.

The article fails to mention that Joseph Kennedy’s hatred of Jews went back to a double-cross, theft and murder committed by a Jewish partner in the whiskey-smuggling business during Prohibition. Jewish gangster Meyer Lansky  (below) had some Kennedy whiskey smugglers murdered and a Kennedy truckload full of whiskey hijacked that was coming down through upstate New York from Montreal, Canada.) MeyerLanskyPIC


Wikipedia again (,_Sr)

Throughout 1938, while the ‘Nazi’ persecution of the Jews in Germany and Austria intensified, Kennedy attempted to arrange a meeting with Adolf Hitler.[29] Shortly before the Nazi aerial bombing of British cities began in September 1940, Kennedy once again sought a personal meeting with Hitler, again without the approval of the Department of State, “to bring about a better understanding between the United States and Germany”.[30] It has been surmised that Kennedy also had personal reasons for wanting to avoid war; “He feared for the lives of his three eldest sons, Joe, Jack and Bobby, all of whom were or soon would be eligible to serve.”[31]

…….When the American public and Roosevelt Administration officials read his quotes on democracy being “finished”, and his belief that the Battle of Britain wasn’t about “fighting for democracy,” all of it being just “bunk”, [he was forced to resign in 1940 as US ambassador to Britain]…

Throughout the rest of the war, relations between Kennedy and the Roosevelt Administration remained tense (especially when Joseph P. Kennedy, Jr., vocally opposed President Roosevelt’s unprecedented nomination for a third term, which began in 1941). Kennedy may have wanted to run for president himself in 1940 or later. Having effectively removed himself from the national stage, Joseph P. Kennedy, Sr., sat out World War II on the sidelines. However, Kennedy did stay active in the smaller venues of rallying Irish-American and Roman Catholic Democrats to vote for Roosevelt’s re-election for a fourth term in 1944. Former Ambassador Kennedy claimed to be eager to help the war effort, but as a result of his previous gaffes, he was neither trusted nor invited to do so.[34]

Due to his philanthropy and a close friendship with Francis Spellman, Archbishop of New York (later Cardinal), during this time, Joseph Kennedy was invested as a knight of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta, an honor which at that time he shared with just a few dozen Americans.

With his own ambitions to achieve the White House ..destr[oyed], Joseph Kennedy held out great hope for his eldest son, Joseph Kennedy, Jr., to seek the Presidency. However, Joseph Kennedy, Jr., who had become a U.S. Navy bomber pilot, was killed over the English Channel while undertaking Operation Aphrodite, a high-risk, new way to use heavy bombers to strike German missile sites in France, in 1944. His bomber accidentally [sic; see below] detonated early, before Kennedy could bail out. After grieving over his dead son, Joseph P. Kennedy, Sr., then turned his attention to grooming his second son, John F. Kennedy, for a run for the Presidency. After serving as a member of the House of Representatives beginning in 1946, and then a U.S. Senator beginning in 1952, the younger Kennedy entered the Presidential election in 1960, and won it.


Kennedy’s friend Charles Lindbergh was an antiwar spokesman for the America First Committee.

Joseph P. Kennedy was (for a while) a close friend with the leading Jewish lawyer, Felix Frankfurter, who became an Associate Justice of the Supreme Court in January 1939 and remained in this position until 1962. Frankfurter helped Kennedy get his sons Joseph Jr. and John admitted into the London School of Economics in the late 1930s, where they studied under Harold Laski, a leading Jewish intellectual and a prominent socialist.[35]


According to Harvey Klemmer, who served as one of Kennedy’s embassy aides, Kennedy habitually referred to Jews as “kikes or sheenies”. Kennedy allegedly told Klemmer that “[some] individual Jews are all right, Harvey, but as a race they stink. They spoil everything they touch.[30] When Klemmer returned from a trip to Germany and reported the pattern of vandalism and assaults on Jews by Nazis, Kennedy responded, “Well, they brought it on themselves.[36]

On June 13, 1938, Kennedy met with Herbert von Dirksen, the German ambassador to the United Kingdom, in London, who claimed upon his return to Berlin that Kennedy had told him that “it was not so much the fact that we want to get rid of the Jews that was so harmful to us, but rather the loud clamor with which we accompanied this purpose. [Kennedy] himself fully understood our Jewish policy.”[37] Kennedy’s main concern with such violent acts against German Jews as Kristallnacht was that they generated bad publicity in the West for the Nazi regime, a concern that he communicated in a letter to Charles Lindbergh.[38]

Kennedy had a close friendship with Nancy Astor (above) . The correspondence between them is reportedly replete with anti-Semitic statements.[39] As Edward Renehan notes:

By August 1940, Kennedy worried that a third term as the President for Roosevelt would mean war. As Leamer reports, “Joe believed that Roosevelt, Churchill, the Jews, and their allies would manipulate America into approaching Armageddon.”[41] Nevertheless, Kennedy supported Roosevelt’s third term in return for Roosevelt’s support of Joseph Kennedy, Jr., in the run for the Governor of Massachusetts in 1942.[42] However, even during the darkest months of World War II, Kennedy remained “more wary of” prominent American Jews, such as Associate Justice Felix Frankfurter, than he was of Hitler.[43]

Kennedy told the reporter Joe Dinneen:

(Influence on his son JFK)

….his presence in John F. Kennedy’s [1960] presidential campaign had to be downplayed. Having him in the spotlight would hurt John, making it look as if it were his father who was running for president.

However, Joe Kennedy still drove the campaign behind the scenes. He played a central role in planning strategy, fund-raising, and building coalitions and alliances. Joe supervised the spending and to some degree the overall campaign strategy, helped select advertising agencies, and was endlessly on the phone with local and state party leaders, newsmen, and business leaders. He had met thousands of powerful people in his career, and often called in his chips to help his sons.

His father’s connections and influence were turned directly into political capital for the senatorial and presidential campaigns of John, Robert and Ted. Historian Richard J. Whalen describes Joe’s influence on John Kennedy’s policy decisions in his biography of Joseph Kennedy. Joe was influential in creating the Kennedy Cabinet (Robert Kennedy as Attorney General although he’d never argued or tried a case, for example[47]).

And now read this, chapter 52 from Michael Collins Piper’s very newest book, The Caiaphas Complex (Caiaphas having been the Jewish high priest who condemned Jesus Christ TO CRUCIFIXION):

* * *

Remembering Joseph P. Kennedy

Another of the famous “Anti-Semites”

(That is, he was an Opponent of War”)


During the 20th century (and now the 21st century) those Americans who stood in opposition to needless foreign wars were (and are) generally referred to as “anti-Semites,” since –as the facts show — Jewish elements have been at the forefront pushing for U.S. intervention in foreign squabbles at the basis of which generally lay Jewish interests. And as anyone who knows the history of the Kennedy family is well aware, the charge of “anti-Semitism” has been repeatedly leveled at Joseph P. Kennedy, the founder of the esteemed liberal political dynasty. In truth, Joe Kennedy’s real “crime” was to oppose the intrigues of the Jewish forces to embroil the United States in the Second World War. Here’s an account of Kennedy’s efforts to stop the genocidal conflict that tore apart modern civilization.

[being added now]

Joseph P. Kennedy, (below) when he was a blond Irish-American teenager at the prestigious Boston Latin School

As early as 1935, Joe Kennedy told a friend, “I have four boys, and I don’t want them to be killed in a foreing war.” [JdN: As it turned out, one was, his oldest, on August 12, 1944, and the second-oldest, JFK, nearly died a year earlier, on August 2, 1943 when his PT boat out in the Pacific Ocean was sliced in half by a Japanese destroyer.]

US Navy lieutenant and skipper John Fitzgerald Kennedy, far right, with the crew of PT 109; these patrol boats were high-speed watercraft with huge engines and armed with torpedoes and heavy machine guns.

With that principle in mind, Kennedy spent the next six years working to prevent the United States from becoming embroiled in what became the Second World War.

And then — after the war actually erupted — Kennedy worked energetically behind the scenes to stop the war and achieve a negotiated peace that would have saved tens of millions of lives.

A Wall Street speculator, and dabbler in real estate and whiskey, Kennedy was appointed Ambassador to the Court of St. James by Franklinh Delano Roosevelt in 1938. FDR considered the appointment quite hilarious — the idea of naming a stalwart Irish-American as “his” ambambassador to Britain.

Although FDR respected Kennedy’s abilities, it was largely because Kennedy was known as one of the most influential American Catholic business leaders that the appointment was made in the first place. FDR viewed Kennedy’s appointment as largely a sop to the Catholic vote. The president believed that having this Irish Catholic in London would help overcome the resistance to U.S. involvement in Europe from the anti-British Catholic voters of the Northeast.

Little did FDR know that Kennedy would, in fact, emerge as a major thorn in FDR’s drive for war. FDR’s son James later remarked that “Father never dreamed that Joe might put ideology above loyalty. He felt that if a policy disagreement ever arose between them, he would simply shift Kennedy to another job.”

In fact, because Kennedy was very much a man of principle, it was precisely for this reason, as we shall see, that Kennedy, in the end, was unable to bring himself to publicly bring down Franklin Delano Roosevelt and expose his behind-the-scenes manoeuvering with British intriguer Winston Churchill that brought America to war.

Kennedy was very much his own man, so much so that The Boston Post once said of Kennedy that his only drawback was that “he is too regular to be a politician. His expressed insight into human nature would probably cause a riot on the stump.”

Shortly after becoming ambassador Kennedy wrote to nationalist US Senator William Borah (R-Idaoh):

The more I see of things here [in England], the more convinced I am that we must exert all of our intelligence and effort toward keeping clear of any involvement. As long as I hold my present job, I shall never lose sight of this guiding principle.” As historian Michael Beschloss thus commented, “At the outset, therefore, Kennedy’s purposes were opposed to those of his patron in the White House. .. Kennedy was striving to influence the president, the Congress and his countrymen to bar from American foreign policy the alternative of war.”

In a draft of a speech that he sent to the State Department for clearance, Kennedy said: “Perhaps I am not well-informed of the terrifically vital forces underlying all this unrest in the world, but for the life of me, I cannot see anything involved which would be remotely considered worth shedding blood for.”

Upon reading the speech, FDR muttered to this Treasury Secretary, top-ranking Jewish leader Henry Morgenthau, that “The young man [Kennedy] needs his wrists slapped rather hard.”

[Summarizing the rest of the chapter in Piper’s book] After Kennedy gave an anti-war speech his son John, the future president, then studying at Harvard, wrote “while it seemed to be unpopular with the Jews, etc., it was considered to be very good by everyone who wasn’t bitterly anti-fascist.”

In 1939, after the war did break out between Britain and France and Germany. and, as Piper writes,

“British prime minister Neville Chamberlain called his friend [Kennedy] to his office and, with tears in his eyes, Kennedy read Chamberlain’s speech to Parliament. Kennedy then called FDR via trans-Atlantic telephone. According to historian Michael Beschloss, “Roosevelt could barely recognize the choked voice from across the Atlantic… Over and over Kennedy cried, ‘It’s the end of the world, the end of everything.’”


Of course, what Kennedy meant was the end of Western civilization and traditional values, and a new age of Jewish control, barbarism, violence, constant war and enslavement.

In the fall of 1940, shortly before the presidential election, FDR summoned Kennedy to the White House, and apparently threatened Kennedy with some blackmail. Some suggest Roosevelt tossed him an IRS file on his tax affairs. In any case, Kennedy endorsed FDR for re-election, shocking all his friends, and left government service. The war came to America, and one son died and another nearly died..

The Kennedy family in the late 1930s in Hyannisport, Massachusetts

========JFK on Hitler and his Reich


Kennedy’s 1945 Visit to Germany

By Mark Weber

In late July and early August 1945, just weeks after the end of the war in Europe, the 28-year-old John F. Kennedy visited war-devastated Germany. Accompanying him on this tour was US Navy Secretary James Forrestal (whom President Truman later appointed as the first Secretary of Defense).

Kennedy recorded his experiences and observations in a diary that was not made public until 1995. (It was published under the title Prelude to Leadership: The European Diary of John F. Kennedy, Summer 1945.)

These diary entries show the youthful Kennedy’s wide-ranging curiosity and eye for telling detail — attributes that were also manifest in his two best-selling books,While England Slept (1940) and Profiles in Courage. Earlier in 1945, he had attended the opening session of the United Nations organization in San Francisco, and had visited Britain to view the parliamentary election campaign, covering both events as a journalist for the Hearst newspaper chain.

In Berlin, Kennedy noted upon his arrival there on July 28, “The devastation is complete. [The] Unter den Linden [boulevard] and the streets are relatively clear, but there is not a single building which is not gutted. On some of the streets the stench — sweet and sickish from dead bodies — is overwhelming.” For the Berlin population, he reported, “The basic ration is 1 1/2 pounds a day — approximately 1,200 calories (2,000 considered by the health authorities for normal diet — the ration is only 900 calories in Vienna).”

Nuremberg 1945

Kennedy made several diary references to the ferocity of the Soviet Russian occupation of Germany. “The Russians moved in with such violence at the beginning — stripping factories and raping women — that they alienated the German members of the Communistic Party, which had some strength in the factories.” “Raping and looting” by Soviet troops “was general,” Kennedy also reported. “What they didn’t take, they destroyed.” Elsewhere he wrote: “The Russians have pretty well plundered the country, have been living off it … The Russians have been taking all the able-bodied men and women and shipping them away.”

He also took note of the impact of the devastating British-American air attacks: “According to our naval experts, the bombing of Germany was not effective in stopping their production, and production increased three-fold during 1942-1944.” Right until the end, Kennedy also reported, an adequate food distribution was maintained in the German capital: “The feeding in Berlin was extremely well organized, even in the most severe blitz.”


US Navy lieutenant John Kennedy traveled with Admiral James Forrestal;

JFK seemed destined to something higher to all who knew him.


Kennedy and Forrestal also visited Bremen, an important north German industrial and commercial center, and a major port city. As Kennedy reported, the Russians were not the only occupation forces to carry out wide-scale looting in Germany: “The British had gone into Bremen ahead of us — and everyone was unanimous in their description of British looting and destruction, which had been very heavy. They had taken everything which at all related to the sea — ships, small boats, lubricants, machinery, etc.”

He also noted misdeeds of US troops. “Americans looted town [Bremen] heavily on arrival,” he wrote. “People do not seem to realize,” he added, “how fortunate they have been in escaping the Russians. As far aslooting the homes and the towns, however, the British and Americans have been very guilty.” In Bremen, Kennedy wrote, the Germans’ diet “is about 1,200 calories — ours being 4,000.” In spite of everything, “none of the [American] officers and men here seem to have any particular hate for the Germans.”

A German Schnellboot

Kennedy met and spoke with US Navy officials in Bremen. Because he had been commander of an American torpedo boat in the Pacific — the famous PT-109 — he had a special interest in the German counterpart — the Schnellbootor “E boat.” After looking into the matter in some detail, Kennedy concluded that the German version was “far superior to our PT boat.”

continue reading at next post here 

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