The Mystery of Stanley Ann

BESIDES THE OBVIOUS computer-generated long-form birth certificate the lying Obama put up on the “White” House website and his proven fraudulent Connecticut social security number; we also know that Obama and his mother’s past were purposely “sanitized” by secretive forces sometime before the presidential campaign of 2008. Please read the following interesting excerpt from Zionism Stinks:

…The Dunhams went to a local Unitarian church, even though Madelyn Payne Dunham was raised Methodist. The Unitarians don’t require a belief in God, and the denomination is often cited as a haven for crypto-Jews (“Jewnitarians”). Still, not solid evidence.

Madelyn’s maiden name Payne has some Jewish connections. We’re getting a little warmer. But is everyone named Payne ethnically Jewish?

Finally, the school yearbooks. I searched local libraries, the Seattle School Archives, online sales of yearbooks, but no luck. I called Eckstein, they had nothing. Surely, the Mercer Island High School yearbooks had to be somewhere. Otherwise, how would high school yearbook pictures of Stanley Ann be showing up in the media? I hoped to find something incriminatingly Jewish regarding Stanley’s “Anarchy Alley” days. So I made a call to Mercer Island High School:


Hi, I was wondering if I could come over and look at some of your yearbooks. Do you have any from the 1950′s?

Are you looking for something on President Obama’s mother?


Well, don’t bother coming over, because you’re not going to find anything.

Why is that?

A few years ago, just before the Obama campaign got started, before most people knew who he was, someone came here and asked to look at those yearbooks. Unfortunately, we let them. And they took off with them and never brought the books back…and we think we know who she is, and that’s all we’re going to say about it.” 

Wow. I admit, I was momentarily speechless. What had I stumbled across? An organized conspiracy?

There are a lot of records surrounding Barack Obama that have either disappeared or remain unreleased. They include:

Passport records, Obama kindergarten records, Punahou School records, Occidental College records, Columbia University records, Columbia thesis, Harvard Law School records, Harvard Law Review articles, University of Chicago scholarly articles, Illinois State Bar Association records, Illinois State Senate records/schedules (said to be lost), Medical records, Obama/Dunham marriage license, Obama/Dunham divorce documents, Soetoro/Dunham marriage license, Adoption records and of course the long-form Certificate of Live Birth. 

Is there really something to hide? Or has there been  an organized scheme designed to divert peoples’ attention from more important issues by having them chase red herrings? And if so, why? Why would anyone take the time to make off with a bunch of Obama family high school yearbooks?

[end excerpt]

Could Obama political operatives have the power and wherewithal to do all this sanitizing of Obama’s past, in advance of him running for president? Highly doubtful. It’s obviously much, much larger in scope than just some punk lefty interns, dispatched afield to steal high school yearbooks.

Payne family background

Another interesting thing seen on the Zionism Stinks blog site, was the possibility of Obama’s grandmother on his mother’s side (Madelyn Payne Dunham), being descended from SEPHARDIC Jews, via a murky, ancient clan (see his provided graphic on right). She was the one who just happened to die the day before the election in 2008. Hmmm.

This presents a whole host of deep black conspiracy business. Some people think (with good reason BTW), that Sephardic Jewry is really using ASHKENAZI Jewry to take over the planet.

Used to be that SEPHARDIC Jews thought ASHKENAZI Jews were Eastern European low-lifes, maybe somewhat Jewish genetically because of all the Diaspora business thousands of years ago, but hardly worth any real attention from the true elite remnants of God’s sacred Israelite nation, living comfortably in the European West (some Sephardi are poor desert dwellers in Northern Africa).

The European Sephardi would snub their noses at the dirty little pretend Jews wallowing in stinking “Pale of Settlement” Shtetls (villages in southern Poland and western Russia), counting their scam shekels and praying to YHWH for more riches, while schtupping cousin Golda out back of the manure shed.

Sort of like low repute relatives the well-off family hates to talk about and hopes never to get a visit from out of the blue.

Now a lot of people make a big deal about the “NAZI” in AshkeNAZI, as if that says something. The term “Ashkenazi” has been around a lot longer than the German Nazis of Herr Fuehrer man. I personally think it’s one of those weird little cosmic coincidences that God puts out there to get the truly righteous to sit up and take notice of the truly evil.

And it’s true your ZIONIST freaks are mostly Ashkenazi Khazar Jews, their nationalist fervor instilled by surrounding Slavic and Aryan populations going pogrom on their ass, electing Hitler, etc., etc., and the never-ending holocaust propaganda of the last 65 years, meant to condition Americans into supporting Globalist Jewry’s pet project: Israel. The business of the goyim hating Jew guts was merely an understandable natural reaction to the insular Jew’s criminal behavior and generally being immoral nutjobs to begin with.

The Scottish-like clan and Pagan angle in the Payne family background, as shown in the graphic above, presents other scary possibilities, too. Think of all the ancient Templars, the Illuminati, Dan Brown’s “Angels and Demons” stuff over the years. Sure, it’s probably BS, put out there by the real “Man” looking to keep us all confused. But there may be some kernels of truth scattered about.

Remember: Disinfo works best when it’s mixed with real facts. Figuring out what keeps our little brains occupied, while they get away with even more crap.

Benjamin Disraeli

Also note Queen Victoria’s favorite ass kisser, Prime Minister Benjamin Disraeli, was a clever-talking Sephardic Jew of Spainish descent who wrote the following infamous quote in his 1844 political novel Coningsby (often incorrectly paraphrased): “So you see, my dear Coningsby, that the world is governed by very different personages from what is imagined by those who are not behind the scenes” (book 4, chapter 15).

BTW: The Newport, Rhode Island Jews, mentioned in the Payne family background graphic above, became rich in America running the Triangle slave trade route, importing the stinking sub-Saharan Negroes that our White countries have had so many problems dealing with for the last one hundred fifty friggin’ years (getting worse and worse by the day no matter what we ever do for the spoiled, violent brats). The business with Jews being African slavers is but another thing the enormously hypocritical Jews would just assume America not know JACK about.

So we may be looking at a far deeper and darker inner plot, driving the destruction of our White lands by all the Jew creeps we see today. Hell, it’s so deep, it’s little wonder regular Jews haven’t a clue, let alone any of us PC brainwashed “goyim.”

Maybe that’s why we should just toss all these SOBs out on their keesters and let God sort it out. George Washington specifically warned us in his 1797 farewell address not let selfish, traitorous aliens gain power in America. The man’s probably rolling in his grave right now.

Of course, I’m only speculating here on the Sephardic business. I don’t have any “inside information.” If I did, I’d tell you about it, even if the bastards come after me.

– Phillip Marlowe

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