The new iPad smashes sales records

Apple isn’t getting specific, but sales may have topped 1,000,000 over the last few days

Just how many new third-generation 4G iPads did Apple wind up selling these past few days? Apple is keeping hush-hush on the specific number, but the company did report today that it had a “record weekend.”

It’s estimated that the original iPad sold about 300,000 units over the opening weekend, and a million in the first month. The iPad 2 sold out in most locations upon launch, making it even more popular than its predecessor. Business analysts estimate that Apple sold 1,000,000 iPad 2s on its launch weekend, and even more third-generation iPad units the last few days.

Though we may never know specific numbers, sales of the new iPad were high enough for Apple to be able to announce a first-ever stock dividend for investors today as well as a massive stock buyback program. The spending will eat up a majority share of Apple’s $100 billion cash reserve — a number calculated before the first 4G iPad was even sold.


This article was written by Fox Van Allen and originally appeared on Tecca

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