The Occupy Movement Is Protesting the SAME THING that the Founding Fathers Protested at the Boston Tea Party

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Washington’s Blog
November 18, 2011

noted yesterday:

The Founding Fathers hated big corporations. See thisthis and this. They were as suspicious of big corporations as they were the monarchy. So they only allowed corporate charters for a very brief duration, in order to carry out a specific, time-limited project.

As James Madison noted:

There is an evil which ought to be guarded against in the indefinite accumulation of property from the capacity of holding it in perpetuity by…corporations. The power of all corporations ought to be limited in this respect. The growing wealth acquired by them never fails to be a source of abuses.

Indeed, while the Boston Tea Party was a revolt against taxation without representation, it largely centered on the British government’s crony capitalism – and disproportionate tax breaks – towards the East India Company, the giant company which dominated the tea market and hurt small American business.

Protesting against the government propping up today’s giant banks – who are ruining the chance for small businesses to have a fair chance at competing – is exactly the same idea.

As I’ve repeatedly noted, the “Tea Party” movement starting in 2009 was also originally centered on the protesting government bailouts of the giant banks. See thisthisthisthis and this.

While it was quickly hijacked by the mainstream Republican party, Sarah Palin, Neocons and others, the Tea Party was originally an anti-crony capitalism, anti-corruption, anti-bank bailouts protest. As such, it really was originally modeled on the Boston Tea party.

No wonder – as I noted last month:

The Oath Keepers and a founding member of the Tea Party announced that they are supporting the current protests on Wall Street and against the Federal Reserve.

Another key founder of the Tea Party – Karl Denninger – also supports the protests, and points out that the demands of the Tea Party protesters were originally very similar to those of the Occupy protesters (before the mainstream Republican party co-opted the Tea Party) .

Numerous local tea party leaders, such as the leader for the Trenton area, also support the Occupy protests.

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3 Responses to “The Occupy Movement Is Protesting the SAME THING that the Founding Fathers Protested at the Boston Tea Party”

  1. The Occupy Movement Is Protesting the SAME THING that the Founding Fathers Protested at the Boston Tea Party

    There might be a few in that crowd that are protesting for the same thing, however, the majority are either being paid to be there by Soros or are there as a “looky Loo”.

    Either way, they shall make no real difference. Why? They have no plan, no real leader,and most importantly other than for the plan, they have no weapons.

    Our forefathers decided to use weapons after they voted on their leader and made their plans, and thats when the “real” changes started to happen. Not before.


  2. At least you can drink tea. Carbon dioxide is just a waste I breathe out. It is like having your poo taxed. Sorry, still whining down under.

  3. The “article” is a load of bravo sierra sympathetic to the OWS.

    The TEA (Taxed Enough Already) Party is about reducing taxes and government spending. It’s also about reducing the size of government and bringing the country back to the Constitution.

    The OWS is about more government, more “benefits,” and more government spending.

    Now, you tell me which is closer to the Founding Fathers.

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