The torment of an isolated captive’s family continue 21 years on | #Palestine

[ PIC 17/04/2012 – 09:16 PM ]

AL-KHALIL, (PIC)– Palestinian captive Rizk Abdallah Muslim Rajoub from Dura south of Al-Khalil spent 11th month in the solitary confinement in “Ohali Kidar” prison. Rajoub spent twenty-one years in occupation jails on aggregate so far.

Rajoub’s wife says that the occupation did not stop arresting her husband repeatedly since 1980 (two years after their marriage) that marked the beginning of the family’s suffering and deprivation.

She explains to “Quds Press” reporter that her husband (55 years) is now suffering from serious health problems such as anemia as a result of repeated detentions and that on his last arrest in 25th November 2009, he was sentenced to three years and a half from which he spent 11 months in solitary confinement deprived of his family’s visits.

The family’s torment was augmented by occupation’s arrest of their eldest son Ahmad at the age of eighteen years, in addition to administrative detention for most of Rajoub’s extended family members whose only guilt was knowing “Abu Ahmed”. Yet, the wife stressed on the family’s steadfastness and readiness to confront the occupation until their last breath.

Rajoub’s other son Muhammad (6 years) who has been denied over the past two years from seeing his father, said that he “did not fear the occupation’s soldiers when they came to arrest his father and his only brother, recalling that night when they attacked violently his disabled sister “Salwa”. He continued that “on Thursday I will insist to see my father even if the occupation soldiers would prevent me.”

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