The Truth Behind Pensions with Carl Herman

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June 28, 2012

Infowars Nighly News host Aaron Dykes speaks with blogger Carl Herman.

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2 Responses to “The Truth Behind Pensions with Carl Herman”

  1. The question came up about other States than California and CAFR. Wikipedia gives a breif history of the CAFR accounting standard history. It seems that all States issue anual CAFR reports and I was able to locate my State’s CAFR easily (NC). This is good onformation in plain veiw for concerned citizens to fact-check politicians who cry austerity or demand more taxes. Thanks for the article, I learned something.

  2. Alex, Can you please take the “ENGLISH TRANSCRIBED” capabilities off of your video reports. I don’t know if INFOWARS has that ability. I just can’t take the ridiculous words and sentences that are displayed at the bottom of the screen.

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