The World’s Money Is Draining Away … Where’s It Going?

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Washington’s Blog
Aug 13, 2011

Spiegel asks:

“Is The World Going Bankrupt?”

That is an odd question.

If some people are losing money, others must be gaining money, right?

But where is all the money going?

The Worlds Money Is Draining Away ... Wheres It Going? dam drain 6

Bloomberg’s Jonathan Weil hints at the answer in a post entitled “Is There Enough Money on Earth to Save the Banks?”

Two years ago the central planners convinced investors that the biggest surviving financial institutions would be able to earn their way back to health, in part through low interest rates and taxpayer support. The pressing question soon may be whether there is enough money on the planet to save the system as we know it, and if so, how much longer it will be before a crisis comes along that finally swamps the ability of governments to contain it.

One-hit wonders such as Fed-induced stock-market rallies can induce euphoria momentarily. They don’t fix the big problem.

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As I’ve previously noted, the giant banks are drawing the American and world economy down into a black hole. If we don’t break up the giant banks now, they’ll be bailed out again and again, and virtually all independent economists and financial experts say that will drag the world economy down with them.

Indeed, many economists and financial experts say that we’ll have a never-ending depression or perpetual zombification unless the banks and bondholders are forced to write down their bad debt.

But the question remains: if all of the world’s money (of the Western world, anyway) is draining out, where’s it going to?

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  • The Worlds Money Is Draining Away ... Wheres It Going?

Economists note:

A substantial portion of the profits of the largest banks is essentially a redistribution from taxpayers to the banks, rather than the outcome of market transactions.

Indeed, all of the monetary and economic policy of the last 3 years has helped the wealthiest and penalized everyone else. See thisthis and this.

A “jobless recovery” is basically a redistribution of wealth from the little guy to the big boys.

The Bush tax cuts and failure to enforce corporate taxes also redistribute wealth to the top 1%. See this and this.

Economist Steve Keen says:

“This is the biggest transfer of wealth in history”, as the giant banks have handed their toxic debts from fraudulent activities to the countries and their people.

Nobel economist Joseph Stiglitz said in 2009 that Geithner’s toxic asset plan “amounts to robbery of the American people”.

And economist Dean Baker said in 2009 that the true purpose of the bank rescue plans is “a massive redistribution of wealth to the bank shareholders and their top executives”.

The money of individuals, businesses, cities, states and entire nations are disappearing into the abyss …

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… and ending up in the pockets of the top .1% richest people.

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6 Responses to “The World’s Money Is Draining Away … Where’s It Going?”

  1. I keep wondering if the building of all those underground bunkers, timed for a deadline of 2012, and the economic collapse, seemingly timed for shortly before the other deadline, have anything to do with the massive solar flares supposed to hit in 12/12 and 1/13?

    The bubble made easy money and the top elites were able to get a lot of building done. The collapse robbed the world of its last bit and stuck the money in the hands of the top elites. They got their bunkers built. Now either the economic collapse is a natural byproduct of the bubble, and kind of a collateral damage thing, or it’s part of the plan to kill everyone else off. Either way, what will probably happen is this:

    1. The economic collapse will cause unrest here and they’ll stick a lot of folks in those FEMA camps. maybe mostly those who organize or who they have identified as being more “awake” using their data mining.

    2. The elite will retreat to their bunkers for the solar flare show, Elenin, “Planet X” or whatever’s coming.

    3. The solar flares either will or won’t wreck the power grid. The comet may hit or miss us.

    4. If the grid is wrecked, the elite will wait it out while the masses starve. They will also use the ensuing chaos to have the military round up more people and kill them. This may take a couple years. There is a chance that if the grid is thoroughly ruined that nuke plants may start blowing up from a lack of electronic safeties. This might poison everything in which case the elites will have to stay in their holes. (Hope they have enough food for the rest of their lives down there.)

    5. If the grid is not wrecked, the elite will continue to whittle away at the people. Maybe they’ll use HAARP to manufacture more disasters if the solar flare and comet things don’t do enough damage for their taste. (If that’s what HAARP is for. All I know is, they’re not keeping this array up for 10 years with all that Navy security around it just so some geeks can look at the Northern Lights.) So absent a major disaster, their depopulation plan may take 20 years instead of 2 or 3, but I think they’ve planned it out for all contingencies.

    What is the remedy? Let’s take an occult formula just to be contrary: Know, will, dare, keep silent. How can we non-Illuminati fight fire with fire?

    1. Knowledge. Sites like this gaining popularity and educating people. By the way, the way I see it, we are all “illuminated” if we seek truth, regardless of the “authority” of any cabal. “If you see the Buddha on the road, kill him.” as they say. Meaning you have to do your own work to be illuminated, nobody can give it to you.

    2. Will. People realizing they have to do something. Getting preps, getting their heads wrapped around the shift in perspective required when they wake up and see there’s a plot to kill them and keep them ignorant while they die.

    3. Daring: I guess this means actually carrying out what one has planned. It’s also one mental step beyond willing.

    4. Silence: Loose lips sink ships. Don’t broadcast what exactly your efforts were, so they are not thwarted. Also, magic seems silly if you talk about it. It loses its mystery. But we’re not talking about ritual here, more about direct action.

    Well, oddly enough, those four things are more about one’s head than about actual physical things we could do. Maybe you would want actual suggestions for action.

    I would recommend digging your own bunker, but I’m no engineer so I can’t tell you how deep to dig it or what it should be made of, or how to ventilate it and keep fallout away, or any of that. Just, if the elites are digging bunkers, there must be a reason.

    I don’t know if it is possible anymore to use the system to keep those who would hijack it at bay. They are too entrenched. Perhaps we need to decide to upshift from knowledge to will at this time, or straight to daring.

    Good luck out there.

  2. I believe it is time to hold these leaches personally responsible for what has become an absolute addiction of power and greed. The Bankers and their bought and paid for cohorts are like crack addicts it’s f#cking crazy, literal madness. We should harrass these people every where they go that we can get to them. Non- stop day and night publish their address, places of buiness ,vacation homes, everywhere and everything they do ,non-violent harassment . We all know that we have no recourse of grevences with any form of so called authority, we are going to have to do this ourselves.

  3. We know where the money is going, it’s going to Zionists pigs like the Wall Street Executives, and Bankers, and Zionists like Greenspan and Bernanke, who have robbed the American people blind, with this criminal organization called the Federal Reserve.

  4. I think what you say could be on the money. What with seed banks, underground bases world wide, and looting by the elite like there is no tommorow. All the cheap credit over the past 10 years or so was also likely a distraction for the masses.

    Remeber that closed session they had in Congress a short while back. Only 2nd one in 100 years or so. All those with a place on the ark know they have to play their roles.

    However on a positive note ‘revelatsions’ says that all their plans with be to no avail.

    Or we could be wrong and they are just greedy beyond belief. Or totally psychotic.

  5. in reply to morwith

  6. Amego, zie money is down here in Guatemala; me got beautiful coffee company and lots of senoritas to play wit; I sell you my coffee big cheap ! If gringo not nice to me, I buy your guns and get Columbia to send cocaine and kill all you chil-len mudda fukas ! Sie, tis way we get more american moocho dollars !

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