This Internet provider pledges to put your privacy first. Always.

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Declan McCullagh
April 12, 2012

Nicholas Merrill is planning to revolutionize online privacy with a concept as simple as it is ingenious: a telecommunications provider designed from its inception to shield its customers from surveillance.

Merrill, 39, who previously ran a New York-based Internet provider, told CNET that he’s raising funds to launch a national “non-profit telecommunications provider dedicated to privacy, using ubiquitous encryption” that will sell mobile phone service and, for as little as $20 a month, Internet connectivity.

The ISP would not merely employ every technological means at its disposal, including encryption and limited logging, to protect its customers. It would also — and in practice this is likely more important — challenge government surveillance demands of dubious legality or constitutionality.

A decade of revelations has underlined the intimate relationship between many telecommunications companies and Washington officialdom. Leading providers including ATT and Verizon handed billions of customer telephone records to the National Security Agency; only Qwest refused to participate. Verizon turned over customer data to the FBI without court orders. An ATT whistleblower accused the company of illegally opening its network to the NSA, a practice that the U.S. Congress retroactively made legal in 2008.

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3 Responses to “This Internet provider pledges to put your privacy first. Always.”

  1. DUCKDUCKGO.COM, a private search engine, works fine.

  2. About damned time someone came forward and addressed this cancer in Government. Bet they try to destroy the owner of this company. I think I’ll have Vegas table odds on that bet.

  3. godspeed

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