Time to end the scandal of our 9 to 5 NHS: A top A&E doctor says it’s outrageous patients suffer because his colleagues refuse to give up their weekends

Dr Nick Edwards

16:42 EST, 7 May 2012


16:42 EST, 7 May 2012

One Sunday evening I was busy looking after patients in intensive care when an emergency call came in from one of the surgical wards. A woman who’d had an operation on the previous Friday was ill with dangerously high blood-sugar levels.

Surgery triggers the body’s stress response, and as a result you produce more blood sugar. This is fine for most people because the body also increases its production of insulin to control the sugar levels. But if you’re a diabetic, as this patient was, this sugar surge needs expert management or you risk going into a coma, which can be fatal.

By the Saturday morning, her diabetes was already poorly controlled. Now if this had occurred during the normal working week, at the first sign of difficulties the patient would have seen a specialist diabetic doctor and the problem nipped in the bud. But on a weekend there was no diabetic specialist. Instead, the patient was seen by a junior doctor who didn’t realise the extent and danger of her problems.

Dr Nick Edwards warns that weekends are not the time you'd want to be in hospital

Dr Nick Edwards warns that weekends are not the time you’d want to be in hospital

By Sunday morning, the patient’s condition had so deteriorated the nurses had to put out a medical emergency call. She was now in a state of diabetic ketoacidosis: in response to the high sugar levels, her body was producing acid, which damages the organs, and she was dying.

When I arrived with the intensive care team, we had to give her emergency treatment, including fluids to keep up her blood pressure. She was then transferred to intensive care, where she spent the next two weeks.

Fortunately she survived, and without any long-term physical problems — but that’s not the point. She could have died. She will have been emotionally scarred for life, and the cost to the NHS of that fortnight in an intensive care bed was enormous — up to £15,000.

And all because there was no specialist available on the Saturday who could have dealt with the problems by expertly managing the increases in sugar level before the situation could become so serious.

There is little doubt that weekends are not the time you want to be in hospital. Study after study has shown that if patients go to hospital outside office hours, not only does their care cost more, because patients have avoidable complications, but they also have worse outcomes. In other words, patients have more chance of dying if they arrive at the weekend.

Death rates ‘rise sharply for patients admitted on a Saturday or a Sunday’, according to a recent report from Dr Foster Intelligence, an organisation which analyses NHS data. It found the risk of dying is 9.5 per cent higher if you’re admitted to AE on the weekend, compared with during the week.

The report described ‘significantly reduced services at weekends and nights’, with ‘pretty stark’ evidence that the number of senior staff on duty affects patients’ survival chances.

Nor is it just the patients admitted as an emergency who are affected. Mortality rates were found to be 9 per cent higher in the hospital trusts with the lowest number of senior staff per bed at weekends compared with those with the highest number.

The fact is in many hospitals, on weekends and bank holidays, there is only a skeleton staff of consultants, with the majority of care being provided by junior doctors.

This is just not acceptable. Whatever time of day you become ill, you should get the same standard of care, 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

It is a fact of life that patients get ill outside 9 to 5 Monday to Friday. And however inconvenient that is for us who work in the NHS, patients don’t plan their illnesses around us. It’s we who need to plan our lives around them.

The lack of 24-hour working, seven days a week, can not only cause harm but is also inefficient. Take the example of a 85-year-old lady my colleague saw a couple of weeks ago.

She arrived at AE on Saturday morning with a painful calf. The doctor thought she had a blood clot in her leg,  a condition which needs anticoagulant medication to prevent pulmonary embolism — a clot on the lungs which can be life-threatening.

A simple ultrasound test is all that was needed to confirm the diagnosis. But at my colleague’s hospital, the radiologists are only available on call for emergencies on the weekends. And because this test is deemed not an ‘emergency’ test — as the patient could have the treatment for a clot while waiting for the ultrasound to confirm it — she didn’t count.

So the AE team had to give her the injection on Saturday, arrange for a district nurse to go to her house and give her another injection on Sunday, and then for an ambulance to pick her up on Monday to take her for her scan during ‘office hours’ and then back to AE for a review.

The scan turned out to be negative: she did not have a clot, just a torn muscle. She didn’t actually need the anticoagulant medication. In fact that medication actually put her at risk of making the torn muscle worse as it interferes with blood clotting in the damaged part of her muscle.

The cost to the NHS was great: the pointless injections, an extra ambulance journey and an extra visit to AE. All because it was the weekend and there wasn’t a radiologist on site.

For the patient herself, it was a pretty jolly experience. She told my colleague she’d actually had a great weekend: she normally gets out very little and has no visitors, so seeing the district nurse and the extra visit to hospital actually cheered her up! But those weekend inefficiencies aren’t always so benign.

Last month, I saw a woman who came in on the Saturday of a bank holiday weekend. She was ten weeks’ pregnant and was bleeding — she was probably suffering a miscarriage.

She told me she was desperate for a child and, after four miscarriages already, was distraught. I examined her and there was nothing to suggest she needed emergency treatment. Her health wasn’t at risk so she couldn’t be given an urgent scan.

For her psychological wellbeing she needed one, but the next ‘Early Pregnancy Clinic’ appointment was in three days’ time — the clinics only run during office hours — and she would have to wait.

If this woman had come in on a weekday, it’s more than likely she would have been seen that day or the next. Instead, I had to discharge her with neither of us knowing if she had miscarried or not. It was awful. I found out later that she had in fact lost the baby. Her distress can only have been compounded by the delay in getting the diagnosis. And all because it was the weekend.

These are just three cases among many. As AE doctors who work nights and weekends, my colleagues and I see first-hand the problems of a lack of senior staff for the most vulnerable of the NHS’s patients.

For instance, in many smaller hospitals there are treatments such as clot-busting drugs for strokes that are only available between 9am and 5pm. Outside of these times, patients have to go to the nearest big hospital, or get inferior treatment.

And in hospitals where they have been able to have more consultants working outside 9 to 5, improvements have been significant.

Changes needed: Dr Edwards argues that patients don't plan their illnesses around NHS rotas

Changes needed: Dr Edwards argues that patients don’t plan their illnesses around NHS rotas

A paper in the Emergency Medical Journal showed that by having more AE consultants working antisocial shifts, patient care improved. However, also of importance in these days of austerity was that the senior doctor presence reduced the number of patients being inappropriately admitted by 11.9 per cent, as they were on hand to discuss difficult cases — hence saving money.

These figures were backed up by a study this week from Wrexham Hospital, which showed similar advantages, with 16.8 per cent fewer patients being admitted.

The conclusions from the authors of the study, recommending 24-hour consultant cover seven days a week, make stark reading.

‘We recommend this model … so that necessary consultant expansion is urgently funded to make this sustainable. We would rather be treated by an emergency medicine consultant ourselves — our patients deserve no less.’

But it is not just in emergencies that we need the NHS to be a seven-day service. What about the empty operating theatres, endoscopy suites and scanning equipment left idle at the weekend?

There are people waiting for operations, and diagnostic tests for cancer, and we have all these facilities which are unused two days a week? This is madness.

And yet the NHS has spent billions of pounds on privately-run surgical and diagnostic centres when we have perfectly good ones in our NHS hospitals sitting idle for two days.

This skewed view that medicine is really a 9 to 5 job is particularly irritating when it comes to seeing a GP. Why is it so hard to get a GP appointment at the weekend?

I can see an optician, dentist, get my car fixed, have a haircut, do my banking, go shopping or do practically anything else I need to do. But a planned GP appointment? They do exist, but they are certainly not that easy to get.

We are living in a 24/7 society — and the NHS needs to fit in with that. The NHS needs reform. Not the ideological nonsense that Andrew Lansley has implemented (privatisation by stealth), but changes so that we work when patients need us, and not when is best for us.

Consultants, GPs and other health care providers, and managers, need to work together to see how we can best provide a truly 24 hours a day, seven days a week service. Managers also need to look at how hospital resources are best utilised seven days a week, instead of just five.

Many of the consultants won’t want this; nor will other specialists. GPs aren’t going to be mad keen on a 24/7 approach, either.

But this is not about the needs of politicians, managers or staff. It’s about what patients need.

Dr Nick Edwards (not his real name) is an AE consultant working in a large city hospital. His book, In Stitches, The Highs And Lows Of Life As An AE Doctor, is published by The Friday Project (HarperCollins, £7.90) and is also available as an ebook.


I got a stroke on a Sunday – and got brain damage because of it

Trauma: Anne Marie Culliney suffered a stroke after being given the wrong treatment for an irregular heart beat

Trauma: Anne Marie Culliney suffered a stroke after being given the wrong treatment for an irregular heart beat

Anne-Marie Culliney, 59, a former special needs teaching assistant, lives in Redditch, Worcestershire, with husband Peter, 57. She suffered a stroke in June 2009.

It was a Sunday when I suffered a stroke while gardening. At AE, doctors told my husband that a CT scan would be carried out on the Monday to assess the damage. He didn’t question the delay, but in fact the 24 hours I waited for the scan meant my brain suffered further damage which may have been prevented.

Although I was given a high-dose aspirin to thin my blood, there are drugs that can actually dissolve blood clots. These can really help your recovery chances, but you have to get them within three hours of a stroke.

However, before you can be given these drugs, you need a brain scan to check the stroke was caused by a clot and not a bleed. But because scans weren’t available on Sundays, I didn’t have these drugs.

The scan on Monday showed my stroke had been caused by a clot that had cut off the blood supply to the left side of my brain, affecting the areas that control speech and coordination. As a result, I was unable to speak properly — all my words came out jumbled — and I struggled to walk too.

My speech has improved, but I still can’t move my right hand and I suffer balance problems.

I feel sad that just because I was unlucky enough to have my stroke on the weekend, my chances of a full recovery were dashed.

Interview by Jo Waters

Here’s what other readers have said. Why not add your thoughts,
or debate this issue live on our message boards.

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Don’t be stupid. Most people don’t fall ill on weekends and that’s why doctors have weekends off.

Well I’m sure all the ‘peasants’ you look down on in the USA will be much more grateful than you for a well-meaning medical system such as the NHS – considering approximately 15% of people in the USA can’t afford health insurance and therefore go without medical care, it will be a massive improvement on your current system, so yes, you should be looking forward to it.
– Leah, Midlands, 7/5/2012 20:36
Meanwhile, where do British parents take their children for cutting-edge medical procedures when NHS either can’t or won’t (gotta provide those sex-change operations) offer it? The USA.

Doctors want to work part-time then let their salaries reflect it.

I’m a doctor and I totally agree with this
I remember when I first started work being amazed that we couldn’t get a routine xray in a hospital after 5pm
Only ’emergency’ radiology could be ordered. Patients would sit around for an extra day waiting for a routine test so they could be discharged if it were normal.
Over weekends the hospital would literally be run by 1st and 2nd year doctors – usually 1 or 2 of us covering 10 wards at a time. Its no wonder patients die.
In my experience we only only object to working long weekends when we’ve already put in 5 12 hour days the preceeding week. The NHS is the least efficient machine I have experience of. Luckily, I’ve left it.

As an ex pat I can tell you that all the hospitals in Calgary work 24/7. The care here is second to none. We have 2 local hospitals. countless emergency centres and a wonderful childrens hospital with doctors and nurses that give first class treatment around the clock. My best friend recently died in one of the hospitals and the care she was give was the highest imaginable. The doctors were avaiable day and night and came at any time to ease her pain.
I have had first hand experience of the NHS and I have only one word for it – appalling

I couldn’t agree more. The article seems to pin the blame on the staff for being too lazy or unwilling to give up their weekends to work. This is nonsense. There are doctors and nurses queuing up to take extra work. But like everyone else we get paid by the hour. This whole problem would be solved by the managers hiring extra staff and that means more money.
The workforce IS the NHS.
When will they realise this??

Norm, all very well until you join the ranks of the unemployed.
Then let’s see how far your insurance goes.

My poor brother had the misfortune to die suddenly on a Saturday morning. Trying to ascertain to which hospital mortuary they had taken him to was the stuff of nightmares – all because no-one had put his information into the computer as it was the weekend. The police were adamant he had gone to a particular one, the hospital were equally adamant they didn’t have him. You try having that experience – it still haunts me years later! I’ve also seen for myself, after being admitted on a Friday afternoon, just how bad it can get. Healthcare HAS to be 24/7 or what is the point?

“This is the Utopian Healthcare we now get to look forward to here in the States! Goodie! Except I can afford the best insurance! So, I can’t wait to see the peasants get this wonderful care! – Norm, Memphis, TN. USA, 8/5/2012 0:31” _____________ Well I’m sure all the ‘peasants’ you look down on in the USA will be much more grateful than you for a well-meaning medical system such as the NHS – considering approximately 15% of people in the USA can’t afford health insurance and therefore go without medical care, it will be a massive improvement on your current system, so yes, you should be looking forward to it.

How much is the NHS spending keeping people in hospital waiting for the weekend to pass so that they can be discharged by a doctor? I know several people (especially pregnant women), who have sat in a hospital bed, bored, being fed three meals a day, because the scan department is closed, or they cannot see a consultant to get discharged. Just being able to increase the turn-around on patients must be likely to save a lot of money, not to mention those who end up having unnecessary or more difficult surgery due to time-induced complications.

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