To the barricades! — ‘Jews will not replace us!’

To the barricades! — We will at least be less bored.

The Unz Review

“The hostility is beyond anything I have seen.
Things are far worse than in the upheavals of the Sixties.”

Katie, bar the ever-lovin’ door. Compromise seems a forlorn hope in today’s strange version of America. Anger runs too deep. All that is left is to choose sides. We will then see whether the country sinks—continues sinking–into a Soviet future already largely upon us, or we see armed mobs battling in the streets.

Does this sound crazy? I don’t think so. The hostility is beyond anything I have seen in what has become a depressingly long life. In the media, on the web, anger seethes. Countries both civilized and not have plunged into bloodshed over as little. Think of Sunnis and Shias, Irish Protestants and Irish Catholics, Spanish and Basques.

In America, friends talk carefully to each other because they want to remain friends. Armed mobs take to the streets, blocking highways, shouting down speakers, burning cities, looting malls, playing the Knockout Game, organizing huge demonstrations. Things are far worse than in the upheavals of the Sixties. That rebellion, now receding from living memory, had a concrete and attainable goal: preventing young men from being forced to fight in a remote war in which they had no stake. When the draft ended, so did the riots.

Today’s hatreds are not about anything in particular. They are about everything in general, and thus irresolvable. The white insurrectionists seem to be adolescents of thirty-five, gripped by the strange immaturity that so many have noticed, angry at a world that they mistake for their parents. The blacks are furious because they somehow do not succeed in modern society. Their opposition, the Deplorables, feel drowned in everything they detest and fear. No peace is possible except by political coercion or conflict in the streets.

Half the country, led by New York, wants to control, and does control, everything of importance to the other half. Everything is decided remotely: what your children learn in school, what you can’t say to them because they might tell their teachers; who you have to hire, with whom you have to associate, what religious practices are permitted, whether you can have a Christmas tree in the town square or sing carols on the public streets, whether you can defend yourself and your family.

New York versus the Deplorables. The city holds the high cards.

Bitter conflicts force the taking of sides, often with people one does not like. For example, I think Trump is a horse’s ass, dangerous, naive, uninformed, and a thorough-going damned fool. I detest the KKK (which barely exists, but never mind) and disagree with the Alt-Right on many things. Yet when I look at the other side, the armed bands, the censorship, thought control, indoctrination, the re-writing of history, their media arm, the identity politics, the push for control, control, control—I think,“I’ll take Trump—gack–and certainly the Deplorables.” And of course if violence comes, it’s one or the other. You can’t reason with a mob armed with lengths of rebar.

“I think Trump is a horse’s ass,
dangerous, naive, uninformed,
and a thorough-going damned fool.”

There is no principle in any of this. It is visceral. Animalic mobs of ill-bred semiliterates vandalize statues as eagerly as Muslims blowing up Buddhist monuments.

This is war, of low intensity but still war. Culture war at first, but tending toward baseball-bat war.

And the federal government sides with the vandals.

So far the attacks have not been answered, but a lot of the country is thinking, “Bring it on.” Conservatives are not creatures of the herd, and do not wave placards. But they too are armed.

The campaign is highly orchestrated. The professional touch shows. The anger existed before Trump, and will exist after him, but he is being used by those who want to bring the Establishment, the Deep State, back into the White House.

Some time ago a fellow named Shicklgruber, a genius at marketing and cynical as Machiavelli, explained the technique for herding the public: Have a few simple ideas and repeat them over and over and over and over and over and over. Intellectuals, he said,want to make propaganda by offering complex ideas, and changing them frequently. This is because intellectuals become bored with simple ideas and want variety. Wrong, said Schick. Keep it simple and repeat it and repeat it and repeat it.

The public is stupid, he said, few think, their ignorance is profound, even the intelligent are usually ignorant and emotional. They will believe anything if told often enough. It is like training dogs. (He proved extraordinarily successful at marketing, though his reputation was later somewhat tarnished, but that is another story.)

This this was wildly successful in a forgotten time and a remote place called Weimar.

Anyone who has worked in politics or journalism can see how the thing is being done.There was the invention of Russian hacking, Trump’s racism, his hostility to Jews, his admiration for “White Supremacists,” who do not exist, and all the rest. Saturation by the media is of course the backbone–that, and making sure that the public never hears anything contrary. For the same reason, you see the same commercial seven times during the Superbowl,

This is vintage Schicklgruber, and bears out his contempt for the public.

I confess to a certain admiration for a thing well done. When New York gets serious, it works wonders. Control the media, it seems, and you control America.

What New York wants of course is Pence in the White House, a cipher in the pockets of Wall Street, the arms racket, and big corporations. I do not say this in hopes that saying it will have any effect. Writing columns seldom affects anything. Those who know what is going on already know, and the placard-wavers won’t read it.

Will New York impose a virulent political correctness–read “submission”–on the whole country? My guess is that it will. But conceivably not. It badly misread the anger in the country that elected Trump. Perhaps it will again make the same miscalculation.

We will find out when they impeach Trump.

As always, America’s racial catastrophe intrudes. Blacks demand–they always demand–removal of Confederate statues. Most can’t spell “Confederacy,” don’t know the dates of the Civil War, can’t name the three branches of government, have never read a book, but they demand. And demand. And demand. “Whah mah free stuff?”

There is no solution, and nobody believes there is, but race is a battering ram for attacking the Deplorables.

Clearly the people at the top, in the editorial suites in Manhattan, at Goldman Sachs, at Lockheed-Martin, know what they are doing. They want Trump out so they can continue looting. From their point of view,the placard-carriers and ball-bat wielders are merely useful idiots. It is an odd and amusing alliance. The useful idiots, Leftists all, apparently do not know that they are carrying water for the arms industry and international finance.

The country, methinks, approaches a decision point. Aux armes, citoyens! Let the games begin.

(Republished from Fred on Everything
by permission of author or representative)

Sourced from the Unz Review

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