Tokyo unveils world’s tallest communications tower

Two viewing platforms for the public will open in May, while a new commercial
district of restaurants, shops, offices and cherry tree-filled plazas
surrounds the base of the new tower.

Tokyo Skytree is set to become an iconic addition to the city’s urban skyline,
overshadowing other landmarks such as the 1958 red and white Tokyo Tower,
which was previously used as the main broadcasting tower and long regarded a
symbol of country’s rapid post-war development.

Promotion of the new Tokyo Skytree tower has been reaching fever pitch in
Japan in the run up to its opening, with Shiseido, the cosmetics company,
unveiling plans to launch a Tokyo Skytree perfume, in a limited run of 634
bottles – to match its 634 metres in height.

Meanwhile, a children’s character known as Sorakara-chan has also been
specially created to help promote the new tower.

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