Trayvon Martin case police chief sacked

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Richard Luscombe
London Guardian
June 21, 2012

The police chief who sparked outrage by releasing accused murderer George Zimmerman without charge on the night he shot and killed the unarmed teenager Trayvon Martin has been sacked.

Bill Lee, head of the Sanford police department in central Florida, had lost the confidence of the community and was relieved of his duties with immediate effect, according a statement released on Wednesday night by Norton Bonaparte, the city manager.

“I have come to this decision in light of the escalating divisiveness that has taken hold of the city,” Bonaparte said. “After much thoughtful discussion and deep consideration for the issues facing the city of Sanford, I have determined the police chief needs to have the trust and respect of the elected officials and the confidence of the entire community.”

Lee was widely criticised for refusing to press charges against Zimmerman, a neighbourhood watch captain who claimed he was acting in self-defence when he killed Martin, 17, during a confrontation in a Sanford gated community on 26 February.

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4 Responses to “Trayvon Martin case police chief sacked”

  1. Zionists used Trayvon’s case because he was an anti-white thug. The whole case was used to build hatred against whites.

    The Zionists want a race war between blacks and whites, because ARYANS are the parasites’ main enemy. Don’t think, if you are of another race, that the parasites won’t try and destroy you either. If the parasites succeed in destroying the Aryan race then they will destroy you as well.

  2. Goldman, Rothschild, Ben Shalom Bernanke, and other parasites are the enemies of all humanity. Aryans and altruists of all races have a common interest to bring the parasites to justice.

  3. Zimmerman is a murdering ass-wipe who should spend the rest of his life in jail. Bill Lee should have done his job, and he would still have one.

  4. well it sure would be nice to get rid of antichrist scumfucks of the federal reserve …no one has any confidence in this pure shit of life ….

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