Trump Worshipers, Trump Lies, Election Idiocy and the Truth About Collectivism Political Madness?

I understand the USA Empire is dying.
It can not be saved.
It should not be saved.
The sooner it dies forcing Americans to live through their justly deserved tribulations, the sooner the survivors who turn back to God in desperation can build a decent place to live, work and raise a family.

As one who understands world events, the political process, I now pay very little attention to what the 30 shekel whore hand puppets in Washington DC do or say.
As for what they say, when a soul sells their soul to the dark side, part of the contract is they can not tell the truth.

NO ONE is allowed to gain office in Sodom & Gomorra on the Potomac if they can not be blackmailed.
One of the favored ways of blackmail of DC whores is Pedophilia.
Thats what Mossad Jeffery’s Child Rape Blackmail Honey Trap was all about.
Have you noticed NOT ONE politician, military general or billionaire who raped children provided by Mossad Jeffery and his child rape Madam has been arrested.

No political, head of an alphabet agency or federal judge can take down a big name politician pedophile in DC because they would all go down.

The CIA has always from conception been controlled by the Rothschilds.
The Rothschild’s bitch FDR founded the WW 2 OSS which became the CIA.
FDR picked the British double agent “Wild Bill” Donavan to head it.

General Patton was trying to stop the Rothschild’s pre-planned Cold War and stop the takeover of Europe and America by Rothschild’s red Russian Khazarian Communism/Zionism, So the USA murdered Patton.

Had Patton been able to stop the Cold War, there would have been no Pre-Planned Korea and Viet Nam Wars with Americans dying in them and America treasure going into usury Bankers pockets through war profiteering.

The FBI was founded and run for generations by a closet cross dressing Tranny pedo, J. Edgar Hoover

Who would illegally tape Rev. Martin Luther King and his wife having sex in their own bedroom and play the tapes for the president of the USA in the Oval Office while they both rolled around on the floor holding their sides laughing.

The FBI murdered Americans at Ruby Ridge, Waco Texas, Oklahoma City and New York on 9-11.

Britain has been controlled by the Rothschilds since the battle of Waterloo.

It still is.

The American Revolutionaries Volunteer Union was killed in 1861 by the closet homosexual atheist yankee puritan shyster rail road lawyer Lincoln.

The Marxist yankee puritans Empire was taken over by a slicker bunch at blackmail

Now all yankee DC politicians are just Israel firster bitches

owned and operated by the Rothschilds.

This is well written with a lot of truth in it.
But no matter who is installed in the Monica Blow Job Oval Office of the Big White Cat House in Sodom & Gomorrah on the Potomac, their ass will belong to the Rothschilds and they will do treason against America and Americans.

The Ole Dog!

‘Trump Worshipers, Trump Lies, Election Idiocy and the Truth About Collectivism Political Madness?’

Communist small & family business killing “Lockdowns”.
Useless as teats on a boar hog but harmful to health dust masking.
And pushing Killer Jabs on Americans

By: Gary D. Barnett

“The men the American people admire most extravagantly are the most daring liars; the men they detest most violently are those who try to tell them the truth.”

~ H.L. Mencken

Rarely do I wander into political arguments, or discuss politics in any manner other than to denounce all government and governmental procedures as completely insane. The most prolific liars, thieves, and murderers are politicians, and those who control them. Actually, the entirety of all politics is criminal, and ridiculously asinine. With that said, the population at large in this country, whether they participate in the idiocy of voting or not, accept the premise that politics and government are a necessity for life, and that humanity has not any ability to function properly without a governing force ruling over them. In simple terms, what this means is that almost the totality of the entire populace has accepted a master and slave relationship that requires extreme force in order to exist and survive. Under these conditions, freedom is an impossibility that cannot ever be achieved.

While this political system, and all government, has always been atrocious in nature, it has now become nothing more than a circus based only on absurdity and evil, and presented to the ‘average’ man as essential in order for a ‘rule-based’ society to function. In this light, the governing body pretends to be the protector and savior of the masses. This lie has been perpetrated throughout history, but has served the master class well. It has fooled the bulk of society who have voluntarily accepted this ruse to such an extent, that they actually continue to believe that they control their own destiny and have a say in their fate due to supporting one or the other trimmer seeking power over them in this illegitimate political scheme.

The party system is the driving force of acceptance, and the safety blanket for much of the population, but it always pits one side against the other when both (all) are supposed to be working toward the exact same goal of doing what is ‘right’ for the ‘people.’ How can this idiocy be believed? The entire political class, regardless of any feigned ideological differences, promises to take care of all citizens, protect their freedom, secure their ‘rights,’ and defend them from harm. These are of course all lies, but this should be completely obvious to any with the ability to think.

The latest round of ‘voting’ to choose the ‘supreme leader’ of the American people was a spectacle so difficult to believe, and so circuslike, that it defied all logic and imagination. Nothing could be more laughable, but it boiled down to Trump against Biden. How much more ridiculous could this circus be? Two buffoons; one whose brain was completely compromised, and one whose ego was such as to indicate self-adoration and pompous lunacy in the face of pretended intelligence. This would be comical except for the reality that one of these vile power-seekers had to be selected to ‘lead’ this country as proxy for the real power.

Biden was ‘picked’ this last time around, but I want to mainly focus on Trump, as it seems he may be ‘selected’ as the possible agent of the master class in 2024 for the Republicans. This could be so for a couple of reasons, including to stir up so much left/right hate as to stoke a civil war of sorts, where martial law could be fully activated and implemented. The other possibility of course would be to have him there to continue supporting and enforcing extreme tyranny on the path to global governance, just as he did when he was president during the last cycle of totalitarian rule.

Trump of course, like all high-level politicians, exposed to all who can see, that he is a hypocrite, a liar, a cheat, a tyrant, a warmonger, and a murderer in that he authorized terror against others here and around the world. Harsh words you might say, but all true.

The problem though, is that Trump is a cult figure, and most who support anyone with an R behind their name, tend to look upon him as some sort of political god, who is not only backed in many cases unconditionally, but worshipped. This is similar to the Democrats worship of the evil Obama.

Trump made so many promises, but failed in most all, while pushing forward every agenda necessary in order to promote the new world order, just as he was instructed to do. He did this all the while pretending to do the opposite, and his followers took the bait hook, line, and sinker. This requires a very sophisticated’ propaganda machine working continuously to fool the herd of sheep who take up space in this country. On one hand, there is the left opposition, which just by their unbridled hatred strengthens the Trump camp, while the Trump supporters just become more and more obnoxious in their quest to ignore reality. Most of the right media, and much of the alternative media, including a large percentage of so-called ‘libertarians’ as well, promote Trump as savior, while failing to report his part in the destruction of this country, which is staggering.

Two-faced politics took on a new meaning with the Trump presidency, as taking both sides of an issue was a Trump specialty. In addition, the most extreme, tyrannical, and freedom destroying policies to date, came from the Trump administration. While he was in office, his Republican base cheered, regardless of the carnage, but once he left office, that same base blamed all ills, economic destruction, and tyranny on Biden, ignoring the entire past and Trump’s policies. Biden is nothing more than a perverted, brain-dead, leftist politician, but he does not even know where he is or what he says. This is no praise or defense of this evil political monster, but he is not running anything, which means that Trump is much more cognizant of his actions, and therefore more responsible.

It would be impossible to list and describe all of the corrupt and heinous moves made by Trump and his handlers in any essay, or even a book of essays. As to ‘promises’ broken, the most honest answer is most all were broken. I will only concentrate on a few of the most egregious and terroristic policies that caused so much harm, economic catastrophe, and death.

Trump strengthened government and government enforcement on many fronts. Many of his choices of advisors and cabinet members were atrocious, including Pompeo and Haspel to name just two neocon terrorists, and he kept Fauci and Birx on board during the most horrendous destruction this country has ever encountered in the fake ‘covid’ pandemic scam. The deficits and debt soared astronomically; the opposite of what was promised. Taxes only increased while spending and ludicrous money printing out of thin air skyrocketed. There was never an ‘audit’ of the Fed of course, regardless of guaranteeing that audit in his first 100 days in office. The continued aggressive wars, bombing and murder of innocents in Yemen, Syria, and elsewhere, including the continued presence of troops in Afghanistan, were pursued. One after another promise was not only ignored, but completely reversed.

The list of lies and atrocities is endless under Trump, but the worst was saved for the scam called ‘covid.’ In 2019, government spending was record-breaking, eclipsing over $4.5 trillion, and in 2020, spending was almost $7 trillion dollars. Deficits and debt were out of control, as this country fell into the worst times in its history. This began with Trump’s declaring a national emergency, turning every governor in every state loose to tyrannize every citizen. Of course, Trump vowed to go after any governor if they shut down the state or locked down the populace, and said he would never allow it, and said very aggressive measures would be forthcoming.

Only 7 states did not fully close down, but all still had massive restrictions on some or many businesses, including South Dakota, which did not mandate closings. Economies in all 50 states were decimated, and Trump did absolutely nothing to stop it. He could have rescinded the national emergency order at any time, thereby taking power out of the hands of the states, just as he said he would, but this was just another lie.

We all know what happened since that time. The economy was destroyed, travel was mostly eliminated, totalitarian policies ran rampant, loss of jobs was tremendous, psychological torture of the citizenry commenced, bankruptcies and small business devastation were rampant, police brutality and allowed terror by criminal groups like BLM and Antifa were allowed to take place, hyper-inflation occurred, as prices soared beyond imagination. Deadly mask mandates and ‘social distancing’ idiocy was ordered. This harmed everyone, except those large, rich, and protected and funded businesses supported by the Trump administration, the central banks, and the Treasury.


Trump Worshipers, Trump Lies, Election Idiocy, and the Truth About Collectivist Political Madness?


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Trump Worshipers, Trump Lies, Election Idiocy and the Truth About Collectivism Political Madness?

I understand the USA Empire is dying.
It can not be saved.
It should not be saved.
The sooner it dies forcing Americans to live through their justly deserved tribulations, the sooner the survivors who turn back to God in desperation can build a decent place to live, work and raise a family.

As one who understands world events, the political process, I now pay very little attention to what the 30 shekel whore hand puppets in Washington DC do or say.
As for what they say, when a soul sells their soul to the dark side, part of the contract is they can not tell the truth.

NO ONE is allowed to gain office in Sodom & Gomorra on the Potomac if they can not be blackmailed.
One of the favored ways of blackmail of DC whores is Pedophilia.
Thats what Mossad Jeffery’s Child Rape Blackmail Honey Trap was all about.
Have you noticed NOT ONE politician, military general or billionaire who raped children provided by Mossad Jeffery and his child rape Madam has been arrested.

No political, head of an alphabet agency or federal judge can take down a big name politician pedophile in DC because they would all go down.

The CIA has always from conception been controlled by the Rothschilds.
The Rothschild’s bitch FDR founded the WW 2 OSS which became the CIA.
FDR picked the British double agent “Wild Bill” Donavan to head it.

General Patton was trying to stop the Rothschild’s pre-planned Cold War and stop the takeover of Europe and America by Rothschild’s red Russian Khazarian Communism/Zionism, So the USA murdered Patton.

Had Patton been able to stop the Cold War, there would have been no Pre-Planned Korea and Viet Nam Wars with Americans dying in them and America treasure going into usury Bankers pockets through war profiteering.

The FBI was founded and run for generations by a closet cross dressing Tranny pedo, J. Edgar Hoover

Who would illegally tape Rev. Martin Luther King and his wife having sex in their own bedroom and play the tapes for the president of the USA in the Oval Office while they both rolled around on the floor holding their sides laughing.

The FBI murdered Americans at Ruby Ridge, Waco Texas, Oklahoma City and New York on 9-11.

Britain has been controlled by the Rothschilds since the battle of Waterloo.

It still is.

The American Revolutionaries Volunteer Union was killed in 1861 by the closet homosexual atheist yankee puritan shyster rail road lawyer Lincoln.

The Marxist yankee puritans Empire was taken over by a slicker bunch at blackmail

Now all yankee DC politicians are just Israel firster bitches

owned and operated by the Rothschilds.

This is well written with a lot of truth in it.
But no matter who is installed in the Monica Blow Job Oval Office of the Big White Cat House in Sodom & Gomorrah on the Potomac, their ass will belong to the Rothschilds and they will do treason against America and Americans.

The Ole Dog!

‘Trump Worshipers, Trump Lies, Election Idiocy and the Truth About Collectivism Political Madness?’

Communist small & family business killing “Lockdowns”.
Useless as teats on a boar hog but harmful to health dust masking.
And pushing Killer Jabs on Americans

By: Gary D. Barnett

“The men the American people admire most extravagantly are the most daring liars; the men they detest most violently are those who try to tell them the truth.”

~ H.L. Mencken

Rarely do I wander into political arguments, or discuss politics in any manner other than to denounce all government and governmental procedures as completely insane. The most prolific liars, thieves, and murderers are politicians, and those who control them. Actually, the entirety of all politics is criminal, and ridiculously asinine. With that said, the population at large in this country, whether they participate in the idiocy of voting or not, accept the premise that politics and government are a necessity for life, and that humanity has not any ability to function properly without a governing force ruling over them. In simple terms, what this means is that almost the totality of the entire populace has accepted a master and slave relationship that requires extreme force in order to exist and survive. Under these conditions, freedom is an impossibility that cannot ever be achieved.

While this political system, and all government, has always been atrocious in nature, it has now become nothing more than a circus based only on absurdity and evil, and presented to the ‘average’ man as essential in order for a ‘rule-based’ society to function. In this light, the governing body pretends to be the protector and savior of the masses. This lie has been perpetrated throughout history, but has served the master class well. It has fooled the bulk of society who have voluntarily accepted this ruse to such an extent, that they actually continue to believe that they control their own destiny and have a say in their fate due to supporting one or the other trimmer seeking power over them in this illegitimate political scheme.

The party system is the driving force of acceptance, and the safety blanket for much of the population, but it always pits one side against the other when both (all) are supposed to be working toward the exact same goal of doing what is ‘right’ for the ‘people.’ How can this idiocy be believed? The entire political class, regardless of any feigned ideological differences, promises to take care of all citizens, protect their freedom, secure their ‘rights,’ and defend them from harm. These are of course all lies, but this should be completely obvious to any with the ability to think.

The latest round of ‘voting’ to choose the ‘supreme leader’ of the American people was a spectacle so difficult to believe, and so circuslike, that it defied all logic and imagination. Nothing could be more laughable, but it boiled down to Trump against Biden. How much more ridiculous could this circus be? Two buffoons; one whose brain was completely compromised, and one whose ego was such as to indicate self-adoration and pompous lunacy in the face of pretended intelligence. This would be comical except for the reality that one of these vile power-seekers had to be selected to ‘lead’ this country as proxy for the real power.

Biden was ‘picked’ this last time around, but I want to mainly focus on Trump, as it seems he may be ‘selected’ as the possible agent of the master class in 2024 for the Republicans. This could be so for a couple of reasons, including to stir up so much left/right hate as to stoke a civil war of sorts, where martial law could be fully activated and implemented. The other possibility of course would be to have him there to continue supporting and enforcing extreme tyranny on the path to global governance, just as he did when he was president during the last cycle of totalitarian rule.

Trump of course, like all high-level politicians, exposed to all who can see, that he is a hypocrite, a liar, a cheat, a tyrant, a warmonger, and a murderer in that he authorized terror against others here and around the world. Harsh words you might say, but all true.

The problem though, is that Trump is a cult figure, and most who support anyone with an R behind their name, tend to look upon him as some sort of political god, who is not only backed in many cases unconditionally, but worshipped. This is similar to the Democrats worship of the evil Obama.

Trump made so many promises, but failed in most all, while pushing forward every agenda necessary in order to promote the new world order, just as he was instructed to do. He did this all the while pretending to do the opposite, and his followers took the bait hook, line, and sinker. This requires a very sophisticated’ propaganda machine working continuously to fool the herd of sheep who take up space in this country. On one hand, there is the left opposition, which just by their unbridled hatred strengthens the Trump camp, while the Trump supporters just become more and more obnoxious in their quest to ignore reality. Most of the right media, and much of the alternative media, including a large percentage of so-called ‘libertarians’ as well, promote Trump as savior, while failing to report his part in the destruction of this country, which is staggering.

Two-faced politics took on a new meaning with the Trump presidency, as taking both sides of an issue was a Trump specialty. In addition, the most extreme, tyrannical, and freedom destroying policies to date, came from the Trump administration. While he was in office, his Republican base cheered, regardless of the carnage, but once he left office, that same base blamed all ills, economic destruction, and tyranny on Biden, ignoring the entire past and Trump’s policies. Biden is nothing more than a perverted, brain-dead, leftist politician, but he does not even know where he is or what he says. This is no praise or defense of this evil political monster, but he is not running anything, which means that Trump is much more cognizant of his actions, and therefore more responsible.

It would be impossible to list and describe all of the corrupt and heinous moves made by Trump and his handlers in any essay, or even a book of essays. As to ‘promises’ broken, the most honest answer is most all were broken. I will only concentrate on a few of the most egregious and terroristic policies that caused so much harm, economic catastrophe, and death.

Trump strengthened government and government enforcement on many fronts. Many of his choices of advisors and cabinet members were atrocious, including Pompeo and Haspel to name just two neocon terrorists, and he kept Fauci and Birx on board during the most horrendous destruction this country has ever encountered in the fake ‘covid’ pandemic scam. The deficits and debt soared astronomically; the opposite of what was promised. Taxes only increased while spending and ludicrous money printing out of thin air skyrocketed. There was never an ‘audit’ of the Fed of course, regardless of guaranteeing that audit in his first 100 days in office. The continued aggressive wars, bombing and murder of innocents in Yemen, Syria, and elsewhere, including the continued presence of troops in Afghanistan, were pursued. One after another promise was not only ignored, but completely reversed.

The list of lies and atrocities is endless under Trump, but the worst was saved for the scam called ‘covid.’ In 2019, government spending was record-breaking, eclipsing over $4.5 trillion, and in 2020, spending was almost $7 trillion dollars. Deficits and debt were out of control, as this country fell into the worst times in its history. This began with Trump’s declaring a national emergency, turning every governor in every state loose to tyrannize every citizen. Of course, Trump vowed to go after any governor if they shut down the state or locked down the populace, and said he would never allow it, and said very aggressive measures would be forthcoming.

Only 7 states did not fully close down, but all still had massive restrictions on some or many businesses, including South Dakota, which did not mandate closings. Economies in all 50 states were decimated, and Trump did absolutely nothing to stop it. He could have rescinded the national emergency order at any time, thereby taking power out of the hands of the states, just as he said he would, but this was just another lie.

We all know what happened since that time. The economy was destroyed, travel was mostly eliminated, totalitarian policies ran rampant, loss of jobs was tremendous, psychological torture of the citizenry commenced, bankruptcies and small business devastation were rampant, police brutality and allowed terror by criminal groups like BLM and Antifa were allowed to take place, hyper-inflation occurred, as prices soared beyond imagination. Deadly mask mandates and ‘social distancing’ idiocy was ordered. This harmed everyone, except those large, rich, and protected and funded businesses supported by the Trump administration, the central banks, and the Treasury.


Trump Worshipers, Trump Lies, Election Idiocy, and the Truth About Collectivist Political Madness?


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