TSA means Touch Some Adolescents? Yet another TSA pervert busted for allegedly downloading child porn


(NaturalNews) Criminal behavior and the US Transportation Security Administration (TSA) seem to go hand-in-hand these days, as yet another TSA airport screener has been arrested on charges of possessing child pornography. According to reports, 41-year-old Scott Wilson had been working for the TSA at Baltimore – Washington International Airport in Maryland until recently when police raided his home and found 31 storage drives of child pornography in his possession.

An undercover agent had apparently accessed child pornography from Wilson’s laptop via a file sharing program, which led to police eventually raiding the man’s home and discovering three additional hard drives and 31 storage devices filled with video and images “depicting prepubescent females engaged in sexually explicit conduct with adults.” He has been charged in a Maryland circuit court with two felony child pornography counts.

According to The Smoking Gun, a federal judge had granted permission for the US Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to seize Wilson’s laptop, three hard drives, and the 31 other storage devices. Wilson has since been freed from jail on $250,000 bail.

It is unclear whether or not Wilson had been involved in groping air travelers as part of the TSA’s sexual molestation procedures for naked body scanner “opt-outers,” but reports do indicate that he did screen cargo for explosives. And since TSA agents are often shuffled around among screening roles, it is likely that Wilson had, at some point, been utilized as a screener.

If Wilson is found to be guilty of his alleged crimes, the incident will stand as yet another reason why the American people need to stand up against and resist TSA tyranny. It truly is time for a mass resistance in which every air traveler refuses to be sexually molested with an “enhanced pat down,” or sent through a cancer-causing radiation blast in the naked body scanner.

Time and time again, TSA screeners have been charged with things like stealing traveler electronic devices (http://www.naturalnews.com/032947_T…), raping and sodomizing others while wearing their uniforms off duty (http://www.naturalnews.com/034331_T…), distributing child pornography (http://www.naturalnews.com/032226_T…), and sexually molesting children (http://www.naturalnews.com/030351_T…).

Add to this the fact that the TSA has never once stopped a single “terrorist” from boarding an airplane, and it is abundantly clear that this criminal and illegitimate agency should not even exist in the first place. So when are the American people going to join together as one and permanently “opt-out” of participating in any more TSA screening procedures?

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TSA means Touch Some Adolescents? Yet another TSA pervert busted for allegedly downloading child porn

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