TSA’s $1 billion program to ‘read’ fliers’ expressions comes under fire after failing to catch any bad guys

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Benjamin Carlson
The Daily
May 29, 2012

Wear your heart on your sleeve if you want, but just be careful about showing your emotions when you travel — the Transportation Security Administration is watching.

The nation’s airport security agency has 3,000 employees at 161 airports nationwide trained to identify terrorists simply by reading faces and body language — a glance in a certain direction, a nervous gesture.

American taxpayers have paid dearly for what the TSA called its Screening Passengers by Observation Techniques, or SPOT program: More than $1 billion at 161 airports.

But the record of these behavior-detection officers is disappointing, to say the least: not a single terrorist nabbed. In fact, 16 passengers allegedly tied to terror plots passed 23 times through airports — and not one was picked out of the crowd.

And a federal watchdog agency, the Government Accountability Office, is warning that SPOT’s miserable record probably won’t get any better, at least any time soon. At a hearing on Capitol Hill last month, the GAO’s Stephen Lord told lawmakers that the TSA has not completely validated the science behind SPOT — or proved that it works in an airport environment — even though the program’s budget has grown 15 percent in five years, from $198 million in fiscal 2009 to a requested $227 million in fiscal 2013.

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2 Responses to “TSA’s $1 billion program to ‘read’ fliers’ expressions comes under fire after failing to catch any bad guys”

  1. People are starving while these power-tripping motherfucking scumbags spend OUR money on this BS. Will the shit hit the fan already? it’s past time.

  2. The reason why they haven’t caught any terrorists is because there are very few if any out there aside from those the govt trains. They didn’t SPOT that one LOL! The other point they failed to SPOT is that any real terrorist can target an airport any time they like either by using a surface to air missile or getting amongst a large group of travllers before the screening proint. You do not have to be very clever to SPOT that no-brainer either.

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