Turkey to charge Israeli military officials involved in Gaza flotilla raid

The Turkish government has issued repeated demands for Israel to issue a
formal apology for the conduct of its soldiers and compensate families of
the Turkish nationals who were killed – conciliatory steps that two year
later, Israel has refused to make.

Israeli officials refused to be drawn on news of Turkey’s legal intentions.
Yigal Palmor, spokesman for the Israeli foreign ministry, explained the
government had not yet been contacted by Turkish authorities.

“All we know is what has been reported in the Turkish newspaper,” Mr
Palmor said. “If legal papers are filed and we get to see them, then we
will have to respond in one way or another.”

Speaking confidentially, however, senior Israeli officials concede such an act
of hostility by the Turkish government would come as no surprise.

“The Turkish government has made clear from the beginning that no matter
what agreement we reach, through an Israeli apology of compensation, they
would not stand in the way of Turkish people who want to take legal action
[against Israel]. This was one of the main obstacles to the diplomatic deal,”
an Israeli government said, speaking on condition of anonymity.

“So news that they planning legal actions is not surprising. It sounds
like a threat in disguise, which if it is carried out would mean there will
be even more strain on this relationship, which does not lack strain and
tension already.”

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