Turkiye calls on international community to cooperate on safe, voluntary return of Syria refugees

Children walk in a camp for Syrian refugee in Turkey set up by Turkish relief agency AFAD in the Islahiye district of Gaziantep on February 15, 2023. [Photo by OZAN KOSE/AFP via Getty Images]

Turkiye has called on the international community to cooperate with it in achieving the voluntary and safe return of Syrian refugees to their country, as Ankara continues to make their return a key policy goal. A statement issued on Thursday evening by Turkiye's National Security Council emphasised the importance of the international community's cooperation on the matter of Syrian refugees and their voluntary, safe, and dignified return. It also highlighted Turkiye's aim to continue operations against terrorist organisations both at home and across its borders, referring to the Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) and its alleged affiliate militant groups and branches in north-east Syria. READ: Turkiye: Cavusoglu reveals roadmap for return of Syrian refugees The National Security Council's call for the […] Source

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