Two US soldiers hurt in Afghan war

Local security sources told Press TV that a bomber set off his explosives on Saturday evening, close to US-led troops and Afghan forces patrolling an area in the Zaranj district of Nimruz province, which is situated about 800 kilometers (496 miles) southwest of the Afghan capital Kabul.

According to the website, a total of 134 foreign troops have died in Afghanistan so far this year.

A total of 566 US-led soldiers lost their lives in Afghanistan in 2011. However, 2010 remains the deadliest year for foreign military casualties, with a death toll of 711, which eclipsed the previous record of 521 set in 2009.

Roadside bombs and IEDs are by far the most lethal weapon Taliban militants have used against Afghan forces, foreign troops, and civilians in recent years.

The homemade explosives accounted for half of the about 1,500 civilian deaths in the first six months of 2011, according to the United Nations.

The increasing number of military casualties in Afghanistan has caused widespread anger in the US and other NATO member states, undermining public support for the Afghan war.

The security situation has been deteriorating across Afghanistan over the past few years.

Violence has also spread from Afghanistan’s volatile south to relatively peaceful areas over the course of the past year, despite the presence of about 130,000 foreign troops.


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