U.S. Military Provides Healthcare to Rural Alabama

U.S. Military Provides Healthcare to Rural Alabama

May 19th, 2012

Maybe they could get corporate sponsorship for attractive triage tents.

“Brought to you by Brawndo – The Thirst Mutilator.”

How about handing out pHoods that make people obese, give them high blood pressure and rot their teeth along with the goody bags of drugs?

You know, get your Pepsi, Poptarts and Plavix all at the one stop .mil triage tent.

For added convenience, Uncle $ugar could take the show on the road and set up these big tops in WalMart parking lots!

Ok, I’ll stop now.

Via: AP:

An Air Force dentist pulls teeth in the oil-stained garage where the town’s fire truck normally parks. A reservist in camouflage dispenses free medicine in the police department lobby.

The doctoring Wednesday was part of a military program to provide free health care in poor areas of the South and whose latest mission came to one of Alabama’s most impoverished regions, where the teams have treated more than 12,000 people in less than two weeks. The work helps fill a gap in an area with few doctors and a multitude of medical problems, many of them linked to the obesity that is rampant in the state.

Research Credit: tal


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