U.S. Tells South America to Shut Up About Legalizing Drugs

Scott Morgan
March 1, 2012

Secretary of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano has a message for everyone who thinks the drug war is bad: you’re wrong, it’s awesome.

(Reuters) – Secretary of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano defended Washington’s drug war strategy on Monday despite calls by some Latin American leaders to consider decriminalizing narcotics.

“I would not agree with the premise that the drug war is a failure,” Napolitano said. “It is a continuing effort to keep our peoples from becoming addicted to dangerous drugs.” [Reuters]

Okay, but what do these two sentences have to do with one another? Yes, we know the drug war is “a continuing effort to keep our peoples from becoming addicted to dangerous drugs [and marijuana],” but I don’t understand what that has to do with whether or not it’s been a failure. This is like saying, “I would not agree with premise that asbestos is toxic. It is a material used to insulate buildings.”

So in a metaphorical sense, you could say that American drug policy is made of asbestos, and Janet Napolitano has been given the fun assignment of convincing a bunch of frustrated foreign leaders that the sickness and death presently surrounding them was caused by something other than the one thing that’s obviously causing it.

It’s a ridiculous situation that lends itself to some really ridiculous arguments, such as Napolitano preposterously comparing Mexican Drug Kingpin Joaquin “Shorty” Guzman to Osama Bin Laden:

“It took us 10 years to find (al Qaeda chief) Osama bin Laden and we found him, and you know what happened there,” Napolitano said.

Yeah, but the fact that these drug lords are as slippery as Osama f#$king Bin Laden ought not to inspire confidence. Seriously, I don’t even know what her point is supposed to be, because it’s gotta be pretty damn obvious to Latin American leaders that we don’t have enough SEAL teams to track down and kill every wannabe drug boss all over the globe. Their services, unlike Bin Laden’s, are actually popular with much of the American public.

Calls for legalization in Latin America are going to get louder the longer this idiocy continues, and it should surprise no one that the U.S. government’s latest attempts to suppress it are utterly and predictably devoid of substance as always.

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3 Responses to “U.S. Tells South America to Shut Up About Legalizing Drugs”

  1. Most everyone knows all the fraudulent wars and prohibitions are inventions of wealthy crime bosses. Of course local to worldwide fast and furious inslaw doesn’t want competition. The violence of the cartel lobbyists wars,terrorism and prohibition double standards keep the entire taxed and duty free cost of living artificially inflated and allows them to operate the racket they feebly pass of as government. So help deliver the communications flood message to all local tyrant controlled fraudulent government and their fake news puppets… . . . … By refusing to be practicing Veterans and Active Duty for Peace,Oath Keepers,Law Enforcement Against Prohibition and related sane recognized government… you choose to be cruel frauds working for the ongoing fast and furious /inslaw scam with ever changing titles. The local to worldwide majority no longer recognizes tyrants and tyranny as welcome to exist nor the political prisons you feebly pass off as legal !

  2. the so called “war on drugs” is a FARCE, and a WAR against the American people, period!

    IF, theyed reasonably legalize POT, small amount personal possession and smalltime growing,
    we wouldnt have “little jimmy” sneaking into the bathroom snorting more dangerous powders.
    (that are manufactured or imported by the government to begin with!)
    but if they did that, demand for the HARMFUL drugs would fall drastically,
    as would the price of POT, even if sales were still regarded illegal.

    sales could still be illegal, same for large pot growing operations for profit.
    driving under the influence could-should still fetch a citation or more, but they dont want that,
    they want inmate slave labor from docile people who never victimized anyone!
    charging the public 40-50k per year per inmate, paying em 2-3 bucks a day,
    then charging the inmates a dollar for a 15 cent pack of ramen noodles,
    5 bucks for ONE pair of underwear when they’re 6 for 5 bucks at Walmart..
    (price gouging is “legal” because inmates aint citizens, right?)

    DHS-TSA-ICE-FBI-DEA-ATF-FDA-USDA and more, aint anything but a gaggle of nazis anymore,
    of course Janet The-NAZI-tano thinks its all great and good business, just like they told her.

    DHS was created with the LIE about what happened on 9-11-01..
    and it was handed control over near a dozen agencies too.

    financial fraud investigations by the SEC, in WTC-7 that wasnt hit by a plane,
    werent EVER a threat to some “great sand ghost bin laden”,
    criminals in DC, Wall Street, big banks, corporations.. had far more to gain,
    keeping their own asses out of prison, or being shown as guilty of treason.

  3. FBICIA makes tooo much money to let it stop.

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