U.S. Warplanes to Hold Drills Prior to NATO Summit

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RIA Novosti
May 18, 2012

The North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) will hold large-scale military air drills in the sky over Chicago on Friday to ensure security ahead of the 2012-NATO summit, NORAD said in a statement.

“Providing the air defense for special security events like this year’s NATO Summit is a part of our day-to-day mission,” said Lt. Gen. Sid Clarke, Continental U.S. NORAD Region commander.

The exercise, called Amalgam Virgo, will involve Civil Air Patrol aircraft, Air National Guard C-21 aircraft, Air Force KC-135 tanker, Air Force F-16s, and a Coast Guard HH-65 Dolphin helicopter.

Temporary flight restrictions will be in effect for Chicago throughout the NATO summit on May 20-21. U.S. Air Force fighter jets will be on alert to enforce the restrictions.


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