UK and Libya to set up joint police team to investigate Yvonne Fletcher murder

“Prime Minister el-Keib was surprised to hear any reports to the
contrary, and apologised for any comments from his own department which
suggested otherwise.”

Mr Shamis said that multiple sources from the former regime had confirmed Khalifa’s
role as the killer. The new government has access to documents, prisoners
and defectors from the Gaddafi years.

Unlike a previous suspect named as the alleged killer, Khalifa is known to be
alive. He is currently living in a North African city known to The Daily Telegraph
and could potentially be interviewed by police as part of the new investigation.
Approached through his brother, Abdulrazzak, he refused to comment.

WPc Fletcher, 25, was killed by shots fired from the first-floor window of the
Libyan Embassy in London as she policed an anti-Gaddafi demonstration in 1984.

Nobody has ever been arrested for her murder, which is the only police killing
of the last 30 years to remain unsolved.

During the Gaddafi era, Scotland Yard detectives twice travelled to Libya to pursue
enquiries, but returned empty-handed. A 2007 report for the Crown Prosecution
Service found that there was enough evidence to charge two senior members of
the regime, Matouk Mohammed Matouk and Abdelgadir Mohammed Baghdadi, with
“conspiracy to cause death.”

The two men allegedly organised the shooting, but did not themselves pull the

John Murray, a colleague of WPc Fletcher’s who was beside her as the fatal shots
were fired, said: “It’s a step in the right direction, and it’s about time
some positive action was taken. But I am still worried that nothing serious
will happen.”

Adil Almansouri, who was injured in the embassy shooting, said: “It is about time
that somebody is being pushed to do something, maybe because the alleged
culprit has been identified.”

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