UK court makes Assange Manning II

On Thursday 14 June, the Supreme Court in London reaffirmed its rejection of Assange’s appeal against his extradition to Sweden saying the case “is without merit and it is dismissed”.

In 2010, founder of the whistleblower website WikiLeaks Julian Assange released hundreds of thousands of classified US documents, including a video showing US forces firing at Iraqi civilians and journalists.

Following the release of documents, Bradley Manning, a US army soldier, was arrested in Iraq over the suspicion that he had passed the classified documents to Assange.

Media reports said he was subject to torture. Assange and Manning have been targeted by the US government as criminals and concerns are being voiced over what Assange’s extradition to Sweden could lead to.

In an interview with Russia’s English news channel Russia Today, author and activist David Swanson said the US government “has issued a secret closed indictment and pressured other governments in Britain and in Sweden to ship Julian Assange to the US”.

In 2010, The Independent revealed that informal talks had been held between Sweden and the US about Assange’s “temporary surrender” to the US.

In case the European Court of Human Rights does not intervene, Assange could be sent out of Britain between June 28 and July 7.


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