UK government revives plan for greater data-sharing between agencies

UK government revives plan for greater data-sharing between agencies


Proposals expected to include fast-track procedures to license sharing of personal data in areas where it is currently prohibited
Monday 23 April 2012

Ministers are planning a shakeup of the law on the use of confidential personal data to make it far easier for government and public-sector organisations to share confidential information supplied by the public.

Proposals to be published next month by the Cabinet Office minister, Francis Maude, are expected to include fast-track procedures for ministers to license the sharing of data in areas where it is currently prohibited, subject to privacy safeguards.

The development will raise fears among civil liberty and privacy campaigners that sensitive personal information supplied by citizens to a doctor, social worker or police officer for one purpose could be used arbitrarily, without the consent or knowledge of the citizen, by another agency of the state for a different purpose.

The proposals are similar to “database state” legislation abandoned by the last Labour government in 2009 in the face of fierce opposition. That legislation was intended to reverse the basic data protection principle that sensitive personal information provided to one government agency should not normally be provided to another agency for a different purpose without explicit consent.

Read more: Government revives plan for greater data-sharing between agencies


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