UK police warn over torch disruption

Metropolitan Police Assistant Commissioner Chris Allison, who is in charge of Olympic security, said he hoped that British activists would not disrupt the relay as the Olympic organizers have chosen a low profile relay, reported Reuters.

“I don’t think we are going to get protests like that, I sincerely hope we don’t,” said Allison.

“I hope the focus of the whole country will be allowing these 8,000 people who deserve the opportunity to carry the torch to be allowed do it”, he added.

The Olympic Flame will arrive in Britain on Friday night and the relay will begin on Saturday. A team of 28 trained police officers will protect the flame and its trochbearers.

British public sector workers and London bus drivers have already warned of potential strike actions during the London Olympics.

“Clearly we are looking at all the threats wherever the torch goes in the country and we’re making sure we have an appropriate policing operation in place”, warned Allison.


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