UK warmongering violates intl. laws

R2P, an emerging norm of international law endorsed by the UN Security Council represents a profound evolution in the way international law treats humanitarian crises. Under R2P, state sovereignty is not absolute and a state forfeits sovereignty when it fails to protect its citizens from genocide, ethnic cleansing, war crimes, or crimes against humanity.

This is while there are clear evidence suggesting that Britain is abusing the law, aiming to protect its spies and saboteurs in Syria under the pretext of saving civilian lives.

Meanwhile, according to the international rules, the presence of SAS troops on Syrian soil is considered as an apparent violation of Syria’s official sovereignty.

The British forces’ presence in Syria was revealed earlier when Syrian army arrested two British Special Forces in Homs and Bab Al-Umra.

Some regional and international governments have expressed their concerns over the Britain’s recent dangerous action, condemning it as a beginning of the Middle East to go down in a devastating war.


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