Unusual Sight Captured on Camera

Rare SightA bright blaze shooting across the night sky has been caught on camera by Oamaru man Gary Brooker.

Mr Brooker was driving north along State Highway 1, near Moeraki, when he spotted the bright trail at 6pm on June 3.

”I was coming home along the main road and I spotted it going down so I stopped and took a photo.

”I didn’t think it was a plane because the vapour trail would have been white, but this was burning.”

He said there was an obvious object leading the trail, which he believed was a piece of ”junk”.

”I wouldn’t have a clue (how fast it was going). I was doing 100km on the main highway, but I had enough time to put my foot on the brake, stop and take a photo and then it was gone.

”Somebody said it could have been out near Australia. It could have been miles and miles away, but it was so bright.”

It was the first time Mr Brooker had witnessed such an event. He has since shared his discovery with other people, including a friend who has researched the sighting online.

And it turns out Mr Brooker was not the only one who witnessed the rare event over New Zealand.

Another sighting, believed to be the same object, was recorded on the internet, along with another photo, Mr Brooker said.

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