Urban Food Jungle from AECOM Offers Towers of Pineapples and More


AECOM is one of the world’s largest engineering firms, with over 45,000 employees. Most of their work is pretty dry and with feet planted firmly in the real world. So it was a surprise to see a bit of their design for an Urban Food Jungle on Inhabitat.


In the proposal published on Izzu they explain:

“Low impact design” has many great benefits, but can we advance the concept? Let’s call it “positive impact design,” which involves not just reducing the impact of our actions but positively giving back to the ecosystems to which we belong. In a rapidly urbanizing world, we face a very real challenge — supporting a larger population with fewer resources. AECOM’s Urban Food Jungle is a conceptual design that responds to the threat of diminishing food security.


The Urban Food Jungle connects sustainable food production, entertainment, education, and culinary delight. An aquaponic system circulates nutrient-rich water from a series of fish ponds to the top of dramatic sculptural pillars, nourishing a variety of plants as they filter and clean the water and creating a lush edible canopy.


James Haig Streeter, the concept’s design director, says, “Because more than half the world’s population has moved away from the land where food is grown, food miles are escalating, city infrastructure is being strained, and food security concerns are increasing. The Urban Food Jungle closes the loop, once more allowing people to grow food close to where it’s consumed. This has the potential to permeate our city fabrics through building skins, plazas and water features, and to create productive cityscapes in the most authentic sense of the term.”

Seems like a lot of real estate for a few towers of pineapples, but what’s not to love about “bringing together sustainable food production, entertainment, education and culinary delight.” Read the whole thing on IZZU.

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