US deploys minesweepers in PG

The US military recently deployed four new minesweepers in the Persian Gulf and the Gulf of Oman, adding to at least 80 US warships currently based in the region, a Press TV correspondent reported.

The new US minesweepers are supplied with radio control equipment to detect and destroy underwater mines.

The latest report comes a few weeks after the USS Enterprise (CVN-65) nuclear-powered aircraft carrier entered the Persian Gulf along with guided-missile destroyer USS Porter (DDG-78), USS Nitze (DDG-94), USS James E. Williams (DDG-95) and USS Vicksburg (CG-69). The warships joined the US Fifth Fleet in Bahrain.

The United States and nine other countries staged a joint military exercise, codenamed Main Connection 2012, in Bahrain from April 8 to 18.


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