‘US drone strike kills 38, injures dozens in Somalia’

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Press TV
May 11, 2012

The airstrike is said to have taken place in Somalia’s southwestern district of Badade, a Press TV correspondent reported.

The US military uses remote-controlled drones in Somalia for reconnaissance operations and targeted killings.

Washington has been carrying out assassination attacks using the unmanned aircraft in other countries including Afghanistan, Libya Pakistan, and Yemen.

Washington claims the CIA-run strikes are meant to eliminate militants, but witness reports and figures offered by local authorities indicate the attacks have led to massive civilian deaths in these countries.

The United Nations has slammed the assassination drone attacks as targeted killings, saying that they pose a challenge to international law.

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4 Responses to “‘US drone strike kills 38, injures dozens in Somalia’”

  1. gee weez this fucking dcgov of the moneychanger scumfucks think they own the entire world even the the americam army ….and they do …im just sick to death over these godless scumfuck bought off dcgov that caters to these moneychanger scumfucks and the mangod temple of hell on earth to all but them ….we are worst than the palistiains …we even fight there wars for them thinking that somehow this dcgov of isreal is somehow the american gov ….whens the last time this dcgov did anything for its people but stieffle them detb and distroy there freedom …while giving isreal money weapons the printing press for money and our youth to fight there fucking wars around the world …the dcgov traitors are just that period …high treason against the people and for the nazi banking system that hides in the best place on earth isreal ….isreal has proved over and over how it will kill its own people to promote the myth of the choosen ones of god …when they are the choosen antichrist period ….not me ..what a digusting antiamerican gov the dcgov is …it has nothing to do with the american people period

  2. Another cowardly drone strike. How does it feel to kill people from an undisclosed location with a remote control? How cowardly can it get?

  3. No wonder why they resort to piracy! They have motivation. Yes we create terrorists and pirates.
    Yes It’s All Fake.

    They want your mind. Don’t parrot ABC, NBC, CBS, Fox, CNN or Al Jazeera. Don’t listen to them.

  4. Al Shabab is also run by the cia. The cia runs a prison in the basement of Somalia’s NSA, where they train, I mean jail, Al Shabab agents.

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