US election 2012: Donald Trump endorses Mitt Romney

Two hours before his expected announcement in Nevada, he confirmed the
endorsement, saying he made the decision after getting to know Mr Romney
after meeting with him several times in the past few months.

He also cited Mr Romney’s strong debate performances as well as his tough
stance on China as reasons for the endorsement.

However the 65-year-old mogul, who enjoyed widespread publicity last year by
claiming that he was considering running for the party’s presidential
nomination himself, found time for one last stunt.

Late on Wednesday night, aides to Newt Gingrich, Mr Romney’s main rival, said
that Mr Trump would in fact be endorsing their man. It is understood that Mr
Gingrich told them this himself.

The tycoon was said to have “sent signals” to the former House
Speaker that he would indeed be throwing his weight behind his embattled
campaign, which suffered a heavy loss in Florida this week.

Asked to confirm the endorsement, Mr Gingrich would say only: “I don’t
know of anybody who does a better job of getting attention by announcing
that he will presently announce something.”

This turned out to be truer than Mr Gingrich appeared to know. Hours later,
aides to Mr Romney began briefing that the backing of the man who likes to
be called “The Donald” was actually theirs.

The decision came two months after Mr Romney torpedoed an attempt by Mr Trump
to play an influential role in the Iowa Caucus by declining to attend a
televised debate the tycoon tried to convene.

Speaking in Nevada on Thursday, Mr Gingrich tried to shrug off the snub,
telling supporters: “I like hiring people,” and attacking Mr
Romney’s remark
this week that he was “not concerned with the very poor”

“I believe we should care about the very poor, unlike Governor Romney,”
Mr Gingrich said.

He earlier accused his rival of “dividing Americans against each other”
through his comments.

“My goal is to find steps for every American to have a job, every
American to work, every American to be able to buy a house,” Mr
Gingrich told supporters.

It is unclear whether Mr Trump’s endorsement will help Mr Romney bring in new
supporters. Polls last year indicated that about half of Republican
voters viewed him favourably and half unfavourably.

His resurrection of a conspiracy theory that Mr Obama was born in Africa –
which eventually pushed the president to release a copy of his full birth
certificate – alienated many moderate voters.

However, it will be useful for him to ensure Mr Trump will not run as an
independent candidate, a scenario that would probably aid Mr Obama by taking
votes from the eventual Republican nominee.

The tycoon was flirting with the prospect as recently as last weekend. “I
hope I don’t have to, but I may absolutely,” he said.

Gary Howard, a spokesman to Ron Paul, the Texas congressman and fellow
presidential candidate, summed up the reaction of many to the news. “Please
explain to us why anyone would care,” he said.

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