US Election 2012: Mitt Romney narrowly wins Maine Republican caucuses

“I thank the voters of Maine for their support,” Romney said in a statement
after the Maine results. I’m committed to turning around America. And I’m
heartened to have the support of so many good people in this great state.”

In a sign of how seriously the Romney campaign took Maine and the potential
for a fourth consecutive state loss, Romney flew to Portland on Friday for a
town hall meeting, and spoke at two of the state’s largest caucus sites on

At a caucus in Sanford, Romney called Obama “a failed president” and added
that he was “the one person in this race that can actually beat the

“I know what it will take to make America the best place in the world for job
creation,” Romney said.

He also brought some of his top surrogates, including son Tagg, to Maine to
speak on his behalf.

Sensing a possible victory, Paul hosted a party in Portland on Saturday
evening. After the results were announced, he told supporters that Romney’s
margin of victory was so small, “it’s almost like we could call it a tie.”

Paul also forecast that when Maine’s delegates were finally assigned, “we will
control the Maine caucus when we go to Tampa” for the Republican convention
in August.

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