US election 2012: Stephen Colbert Super PAC raised $1 million

Colbert said on Tuesday that the PAC is considering yet another name change
to: John Colbert Cougar Super MellenPAC.

On “The Report,” Colbert has portrayed every turn of the screw in
the life of a political action committee, going through the law with his
attorney, Trevor Potter, former Federal Election Commission chairman.

Thus far, his PAC has created a handful of television ads, including an
over-the-top negative ad against Republican presidential candidate Mitt
Romney, and an anti-players ad during the NBA lockout.

Tuesday’s FEC filing also revealed the donors who gave more than $200 to
Colbert’s PAC. Among them are Gavin Newsom, lieutenant governor of
California (who gave $500), Bradley Whitford of the “The West Wing”
($250) and “Hot in Cleveland” star Laura Sangiacomo ($250).

Colbert is yet to say what else he intends to do with the money.

Source: AP

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