US fears major Iranian threat in Persian Gulf

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YNet News
July 27, 2012

Iran is bolstering its retaliation capabilities against US naval ships in the Persian Gulf – among other things Tehran is amassing an arsenal of advanced anti-ship missiles and expanding its fast attack boat fleet, the Washington Post reported on Friday.

According to the Post, officials claimed that the new systems, many of which were developed with foreign assistance, are giving Iran’s commanders new confidence that they could quickly damage or destroy US ships if hostilities erupt.

Although US Navy officials are convinced that they would prevail in a fight, Iran’s advances have fueled concerns about US vulnerabilities during the opening hours of a conflict in the gulf.

Experts including current and former military analysts believe that increasingly accurate short-range missiles — combined with Iran’s use of “swarm” tactics involving hundreds of heavily armed patrol boats — could strain the defensive capabilities of even the most modern US ships.

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One Response to “US fears major Iranian threat in Persian Gulf”

  1. Ah Huh, so the US has finally worked out that shoving a missile up Iran’s Ass and their not going to just roll over.

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