‘US launching false-flag ops in PG’

In an article published on the Press TV website on Tuesday, Gordon Duff said in 2005, Americans, garbed in “Islamic Guard” uniforms operating three Zodiac-type boats, approached American ships in the Persian Gulf.

“At the same time, radio traffic was generated under the identifier ‘rabbit’ and was claimed to be containing threats and taunts against the American Navy.”

The analyst noted that despite the cover-up, these signals came from sources working with the US “false-flag” team, sources inside the security services of Bahrain.

“This offers two directions for analysts, that [the US President Barack] Obama is continuing the tradition of false-flag attacks or that ‘privatization’ of military and intelligence capabilities under Bush has undermined the authority of the US military and intelligence capabilities, allowing them to, in fact, attack the US and allies when such an attack serves the long-range goals of Washington ‘think tanks’ that formulated ‘neocon’ policies,” he added.

Duff stated that this kind of thinking is advocated within the US administration by the Project for a New American Century (PNAC).

“[This is] a group that had openly advocated a ‘Pearl Harbor’ type incident to push forward an ‘American agenda’ in Central Asia.”

He noted that PNAC and its successors, the JSOC (Joint Special Operations Command) and NSC (National Security Council) were behind falsified intelligence on weapons of mass destruction and terrorist organizations under the former US President George W. Bush.

“[They] also planned and executed, with help from several foreign intelligence agencies, MI6, the Mossad, the DVD, and others, actual terror attacks, including 9/11, 7/7, Bali, the USS Cole and others,” Duff said.

The analyst emphasized that the attack on the fishing boat leaves two assumptions: one that the Americans responsible operated outside command authority or that this was an attempt to precipitate a confrontation with Iran.

Were the boat to have sunk, Duff noted, reports may well have listed this as a “confirmed attack” from Iran much like the false stories the US Navy used to cover the USS Liberty and Tonkin Gulf incidents, both “staged” attacks intended to bring the US into wars under contrived circumstances.

“These are all consistent with the use of the Navy’s resources in ‘false-flag’ incidents…. Each of these … incidents, along with a dozen more, have aspects of cover-up and disinformation in their final analysis. What is established is a pattern of using the Navy’s resources of the US or US personnel overseas as pawns in globalist financial ventures, involving drugs, weapons trading, and oil,” the analyst concluded.


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