US Moving ISIS Fighters From Iraq To Syria To Topple Assad

America is secretly moving ISIS terrorists from Iraq to Syria in a move designed to topple Assad and overthrow the Syrian government.

James Jatras, a former US Senate foreign policy analyst, claims that America and its allies are trying to move Islamic State terrorists from Iraq to the ISIS stronghold in the Syrian city of Raqqah, as the bloody battle to topple Assad and overthrow the Syrian government intensifies.

There is no question that the offensive against Mosul is partly designed to achieve a strategic redeployment of Daesh forces from Mosul in Iraq and into Syria to reinforce Raqqah,Jatras said on Friday night.

He said the US policy is based on using terrorist organizations as a geopolitical tool, pointing out there is a long tradition by American administrations in using radical groups this way.

We did it in Libya, we did it in Bosnia, we did it in Kosovo, we did it in Afghanistan against the Soviet Union, we have a very long history of using these very radical groups as geopolitical tools against people we don’t like.”

Jatras said the US had spent millions of dollars and thousands of man hours to train so-called “moderate militants” in Syria – only for most of them to join al-Qaeda or Islamic State terrorist groups.

The former Washington diplomat rejected the idea that there are some “moderate militants” in Syria, declaring that they are all terrorists.

People who for ideological or religious goals want to attack innocent people and kill them in order to impose some kind of an ideology on them, I think that constitutes terrorism,” he said.

And I think trying to overthrow a government of another country to achieve that purpose is terrorism,” Jatras added.

However Jihad Mouracadeh, a political analyst from Beirut, ruled out the accusation that the US and its allies want to redeploy Daesh from Mosul into Raqqah, according to regional reports.

Mouracadeh said the US and NATO are planning to attack the Syrian city; “says so, it seems to be illogical to redeploy Daesh to a city that is going to be under attack.

Since March 2011, Syria has been hit by militancy it blames on some Western states and their regional allies. Backed by the Russian air cover, the Syrian military is engaged in an operation to rid the country of Daesh and other terrorist groups.

The foreign-backed militancy has left millions of people homeless. According to a UN report more than 400,000 people have been killed in the Syrian conflict.

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