US students put on trial for anti-Israel protest

Press TV
September 8, 2011

State of California prosecutors argued on Wednesday that the 10 Muslim university students broke the law when they repeatedly interrupted a speech by the Israeli envoy, Michael Oren, during a public meeting in the University of California, Irvine, in February 2010.

The Orange County District attorney alleged that the Muslim students, known as “Irvine 11″, violated Oren’s right to free speech by delaying his remarks for 20 minutes.

However, supporters of the students insist that they were practicing their constitutional rights based on the First Amendment to the US Constitution and should not be criminalized for protesting.

“A foreign ambassador is coming to our home and talking to us about these issues and we can’t have a voice at the table nor can even voice it out in a protest,” said Kifah Shah of the ‘Stand with the Eleven’ group, in a Press TV interview.

Since the incident, the students and the school’s Muslim Student Union chapter have been disciplined by university officials.

A group of peace organizations believe the prosecutors pursued criminal charges due to political consideration in favor of the Israeli regime, the prime US foreign ally.

The group says the case is a prime example of selective prosecution and that the students are being punished because the Israeli ambassador was involved.

“Because they were protesting the activities of his country and also because the young men were all Muslim, and because perhaps those behind the prosecution thought that they could get away with it because of the rampant Islamophobia in this country,” said Ameena Qazi from the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) of Los Angeles.

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20 Responses to “US students put on trial for anti-Israel protest”

  1. C.A.I.R. is nothing more than a gang of Islamic thugs, who would have Sharia law become the law of the land in the U.S., if they could.

    No thanks!!

    If C.A.I.R. wants to live under Sharia law, then they should move to a nice 10th century nation, like Saudia Arabia.

  2. Yemachshemo,
    How typical to resort to name calling. I guess that is what you expect from some one that is just starting to suspect the end may be closer than first thought. But no I’m not a Nazi. I am that thing that most Jews fear. A white blue eyed American male that is smart enough to see beyond the lies and propaganda spouted by the Jewish media. Someone that realizes that wall street just stole 700 billion dollars with the help of a Jewish propped up piece of shit president. 700 billion. That must be a new record. It’s probably the biggest money grab in the history or the world. Brought to you by your friendly New York Jews. Hell it makes the 60 billion stolen by Bernie Madoff seem small by comparison.

    But you went too far Yemachshemo. You tanked the economy. And the Euro is hanging by a thread. If most of America looses their ass and ends up homeless they are going to want someone to blame. And just by coincidence the people that they will blame are the people that are in fact largely responsible for the unparalleled swindle. The Jews.

    My advice to you Yemachshemo, is to cash in your chips and head to Israel. You might last a bit longer there. But blood is eventually going to flow. Whether it starts in America of Europe…well who can say. But it is coming. You can bet your life on it.

  3. Instructions to Muslims regarding Christians and Jews
    Prophet Mohammed has reserved special position for certain sects of Unbelievers in his so called “Holy Book” Koran. Those unbelievers are none other than followers of Christianity and Judaism. I have selected few verses from Koran to display what Muslims are taught and instructed as far as treating Christians and Jews is concerned.
    Koran 5:51
    Believers, take neither Jews nor Christians for your friends. They are friends with one another. Whoever of you seeks their friendship shall become one of their number. Allah does not guide the wrong-doers.
    In this verse Prophet Mohammed is clearly instructing his followers never to befriend a Christian or a Jew. Because if they take a Christian or a Jew as a friend, they will commit a wrong deed and Allah’s wrath will be on them.
    Koran 5:57
    Believers, do not seek the friendship of the infidels and those who were given the Book before you, who have made your religion a jest and a pasttime…
    Here “those who were given the Book before you” refers to Christians and Jews. Once again Mohammed is warning Muslims of all time never to befriend a Christian or a Jew.
    Koran 5:64
    The Jews say: ‘God’s hand is chained.’ May their own hands be chained! May they be cursed for what they say!…
    In the above verse Prophet Mohammed is showing his deep respect for the Jews.
    Koran 9:29
    Fight those who believe not in Allah nor the Last day, nor hold the forbidden which hath been forbidden by Allah and his messenger, nor acknowledge the Religion of Truth from among the People of the Book, until they pay the Jiziyah with willing submission. And feel themselves subdued.
    Here ‘People of the Book’ refers to Christians and Jews. The ‘Religion Of Truth’ refers to Islam. So in the above verse Prophet Mohammed is instructing Muslims to fight and torture Christians and Jews (who do not believe in Islamic version of God) until they pay tax to Muslims for their existence. Muslims are also strictly instructed to make the Christians and Jews feel ‘subdued’. Allah is truly benign !!!
    Koran 9:30
    The Jews call ‘Uzayr-a son of God’, and the Christinas call ‘Christ the Son Of God’. That is a saying from their mouth; (In this) they but intimate what the unbelievers of old used to say. Allah’s curse be on them: how they are decluded away from the Truth.
    Here Prophet Mohammed is wishing that Allah’s curse be on Jews and Christians. And what did the Christians and Jews do for such special favour from Allah ? All they did is that out of respect and love, they called their Prophets ‘son of God’.

  4. Everyone should be allowed to have their say.

  5. Just one more bit of evidence that indicates that the smallest, most powerful minority in the world (Jews) are firmly holding the reigns of power in America. God help any one that speaks out against the policies of Israel. Meanwhile wall street and the Bernie Madoffs of the U.S. financial system rape the American taxpayer to the tune of 700 billion dollars. With the full complicity of the white house, the occupant of which was installed there with Jew money.

    The Jews have had their asses eventually handed to them in every country they have ever inhabited due largely to such unparallelled greed and legalized thievery on their part. They have almost completely destroyed America. But if history teaches us any thing it is that unjust situations are not tolerated forever. The American people are the angriest I have ever seen them in my life time. Surely the time is coming when that anger will manifest itself as violence against those that deserve our ire. The thing that scares the Jews more than any thing is the fear that one day the dumbed down Gentiles will awake from their slumber.

    For all the Isaacs out there that may be reading this just remember. You have been raping us since at least the end of WWII. But your time is coming because we have the numbers.

    • Lies and more lies moron! The Vatican has more stolen wealth than any other Institution.This bastion of pedophilia has the stolen wealth of centuries of murdered Jews,gold plundered from the Maya and Inca people by Spain, german plundered wealth of generations…most notably during-before-and after the Holocaust.

      • Yemachshemo,
        Yeah, that’s right. The Jews are the only people in the history of the world that are completely innocent of any wrong doing. Poor innocent Jews always being misunderstood and picked on by the rest of humanity. At least that is the way the Jewish owned media in the U.S.A. trys to portray them. Yeah, Bernie Madoff sure went a long way toward dispelling that stereotype that Jews are a bunch of money grubbing swindlers.

        As for WWII I suppose the Germans all just woke up one morning and decided to hate the Jews. For no good reason of course. I suppose most of the history books published by Simon and Shuster can’t manage to address the real issue of why the Germans were pissed enough at the Jews to try and exterminate them. How funny that most of the Jewish historys of WW II Germany starts with the kristallnacht. Poor innocent Jews being unjustly persecuted by the Germans. Of course I have never heard of the media addressing the question of why the Germans hated the Jews. That one question is never asked. You eventually learn a lot about the Jewish media in the U.S.A. by noticing the things that are never said.
        The end of the ride is nearing Sal. And if history is any guide it will end in blood. About Goddamn time say I.
        The Jews have a saying, “Never again!” I say, “Never? Again!”

        • We know who you side with NAZI!

    • Hey sulu, thanks for the stark reality check and just realizing how much the zionist group has control and power over the US. Most people are inept to appreciate the immense scope of this phenomena. As you probably already know you’ll be called names and deemed an antisemitic. So hang in there cause your just the messenger and we can hope people will have the intelligence to wise up to these facts.

  6. Some will say , there should be no free speech for muslims in america unless they are ALCIADA, and others may say it is against the law to talk bad about israels racists policies because they are are gods chosen people.
    Others may say lets just kill all the muslims as they are the cause of every evil action on the face of this earth.

    These so called american ideals are advocated by (neo con) media and also by some of the so called patriot media such as world net daily.


    • No actually, the point is that a foreign official has come to the USA and Americans are then arrested and put on trial for exercising free speech.

      That is the main issue, and American’s should care about protecting that right of free speech and assembly because if you lose that one, you lose them all! No joke.

    • Islamic Awareness Week 2011 to begin next Sunday

      Everything I needed to know about militant Islam, I learned on September 11 2001.
      by Bill Levinson
      Sunday September 11 will mark the beginning of Islamic Awareness Week, in which we encourage readers to cite the contributions that Islam as practiced on September 11 2001 has made to the world’s history.
      September 11 itself should of course be devoted to the holocaust (mass human sacrifice by fire) that this depraved ideology made on that particular day, beginning with the slitting of the throats of terrified female flight attendants along with those of the flight crews. It should then continue with the impact of the planes into the Twin Towers and Pentagon followed by people jumping to their deaths to avoid being burned alive as sacrifices to Allah in what the hijackers had effectively turned into colossal wicker baskets as once used in similar Druidic rituals long ago. It should conclude with ongoing health effects on all the innocent people who inhaled debris from the collapsing towers, thus proving that militant Islam (like AIDS and certain venereal diseases) is the gift that just keeps on giving.

      Militant Islamic Awareness Week
      Islamic Awareness Week 2011 should then continue with militant Islam’s previous contributions to history including invasions of other people’s countries that were either stopped at places like Tours, Lepanto, and Vienna or succeeded at Constantinople (1453). We can go on from there with many examples of depraved sadistic torture and mindless violence, all under color of Islam and obedience to Allah. Suggested topics:
      (1) Murder and butchery of the Fogel family, underscoring the psychopathic nature of the militant Islamic murderer. Colonel David Grossman’s On Killing describes how difficult it is psychologically to kill another human being with a knife even in battle, but the Palestinians who butchered the Fogels had no trouble in doing it to a young child and an infant.
      (2) Munich Massacre
      (3) Ma’alot Massacre
      (4) Bombing of the U.S. Marine Barracks in Lebanon
      (5) Bombing of the U.S.S. Cole
      (6) Beheadings of Danny Pearl and Nick Berg
      (7) Murder of Margaret Hasan
      (8) Mumbai Massacre
      (9) Numerous bombings in Israel involving poisoned shrapnel
      (10) Samir Kuntar smashing the head of a little Israeli girl with his rifle butt
      (11) Women buried to their waists or necks and then pelted with stones by frenzied mobs until they die.
      (12) Women, gay people, Baha’is, and other people disliked by the Iranian government hoisted by cranes to strangle slowly, noting the militant Muslim’s preference for sadistic cruelty even when it comes to killing innocent people.
      (13) Heads of Christian Indonesian schoolgirls sawed off
      (14) Theo van Gogh shot, after which an attempt was made to saw his head off
      (15) Militant Muslims stripping and gang-raping a beautiful blonde reporter in Egypt, and brutalizing and gang-raping a blonde Swedish girl in her own country. Be sure to cite Sheik Taj Din al-Hilali’s statement that women who do not wear hijabs and preferably stay at home are “uncovered meat” whom any man is free to “take.” Add the militant Islamic practice of tournantes (taking turns) with infidel women in Europe, Australia, and elsewhere.
      (16) Female genital mutilation
      (17) Crucifixion of Christians in the Sudan (and also slavery)
      (18) Femicide (so-called “honor killing”)
      (19) Militant Islam-infested enclaves in Europe and the United Kingdom where even police officers fear for their safety
      (20) An ongoing litany of lies, broken truces, and bad faith from the Palestinians
      (21) The Fort Hood massacre
      (22) Subway bombings of July 7 in the United Kingdom
      (23) Terror attacks in Spain
      (24) Death sentences and death fatwas against those who try to leave this Dark Age death cult through conversion to Christianity
      (25) Militant Islamic invasion of Central Europe STOPPED at Vienna on September 12 by King Jan Sobieski. Definitely a good topic for September 12.
      WE WELCOME ADDITIONS TO THIS LIST! There are probably too many to fit in a single article, even in outline form.
      Another discussion topic will be the decision of the Committee on Student Life (CSL) at Tufts University, chaired by prominent Democrat Barbara Grossman, proclaiming that “labeling Islam violent is unacceptable in any way, shape or form.” We have yet to hear Professor Grossman or the CSL member who said this explain why the events described above are (1) not violent and (2) were not perpetrated under color of Islam. An administrator at Bucknell University called the conservative student newspaper on the carpet for use of the phrase “hunting terrorists” in an article about our Armed Forces. Said administrator apparently remains unaware that Hunting License #91101 was issued on the day in question, and there is no bag limit.
      LET’S MAKE ISLAMIC AWARENESS WEEK AN ANNUAL OCCURRENCE. The official start day is the Sunday before September 11 (or including it if it falls on Sunday). Let’s help civilized people around the world learn everything they need to know about the depraved and violent ideology known as militant Islam.
      Posted by Bill Levinson @ 6:48 pm | 17 Comments »
      17 Responses to Islamic Awareness Week 2011 to begin next Sunday
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    • Op-Ed: It’s Not Going to Go Away
      Published: Thursday, September 01, 2011 8:28 PM
      The Moslem world and its faith as is currently revealed and practiced in universal society is religion run amuck, as much a danger to itself as to others.

      Rabbi Berel Wein
      Rabbi Berel Wein is a noted scholar, historian, speaker and educator, admired the world over for his audio tapes/CDs, videos and books, particularly on Jewish history.
      ► More from this writer

      In spite of all policies, agreements, hopes and wishful thinking, it should be obvious that the Israeli-Arab dispute is nowhere near solution or accommodation. It really is not about borders, land swaps, or even begrudging acceptance of the two-state solution to the dispute. It is something far deeper, religious in nature and hardened over centuries of behavior and custom.
      It basically is that the Jew, the dhimmi, the infidel, has no right to rule over territory that was once under Moslem sovereignty and certainly no right to rule over Moslem people themselves.
      The inability of Israel over lo these many decades to face up to this fact has in fact only prolonged and deepened the conflict and made the problem more intractable.
      It is in reality a biblical epic that we are currently experiencing, not a nice modern day dispute that lends itself to creative diplomacy and realpolitik. In a completely secular world there is no room for biblical epics.
      The world – and much of the Jewish world as well – believes that the Bible is a story book and that little of is applicable today.
      So therefore we find ourselves applying the wrong antibiotic to counteract the true bacteria of hatred and violence that is in reality playing itself out in front of our bewildered eyes. In an oped-article that appeared in Haaretz, the writer stated in the article that “we are all people.”
      And that is the crux of the matter and as long as the Jews are not recognized as “people” this dispute is simply not going to go away anytime soon.
      Religion, per se, is an ambiguous creature. It can be and has been an enormous force for good in human history.
      However, in the hands of zealots and fanatics, it can be construed to be a most destructive force. The extremists in the world of Islam have created a situation of hatred and violence, not only against Israel and the Jews but also against Christians, especially the Copts in Egypt as well as against Hindus in the Pakistan – India conflict which continues to simmer after decades.
      And to further muddy the waters, the violence in Iraq and Afghanistan is essentially a continuation of the millennia old wars between the Shiite and Sunni brands of Islam while Syria is engulfed in a rebellion against Alewite rule – also a form of heresy to Sunni Moslems – and Libya has degenerated into basic tribal warfare.
      And all of this is going on without taking into account Iran’s determination to define the Arab world in purely Shiite terms and Al Queida’s attempts to assert Sunni hegemony over all of mankind.
      This is not an essentially pretty picture of the Moslem world and its faith as is currently revealed and practiced in universal society. This is religion run amuck, as much a danger to itself as to others. Yet the world is hesitant to call these forces to account for their behavior and fanatical beliefs.
      Whistling past the graveyard now only guarantees more pain, suffering and bloodshed in the future.
      Because of all of the above, I think it safe to say that these problems are not going to go away anytime soon.
      It took centuries for the religious wars of Europe and Christendom to end. The Arabs are not going away nor are they likely to have an immediate epiphany and change of heart regarding Israel, the Jews, the Copts, the Hindus, America, etc.
      This is going to be a very long haul for all concerned. All of the peace plans and agreements fostered until now have proven to be worthless and in fact counterproductive to any form of true peace.
      The change of heart necessary to create a climate of compromise and accommodation is simply not in the offing in the Moslem world as a whole and certainly not in particular in the Middle East. This bitter truth may sadden us bit , but there is no joy the Talmud teaches us equal to the removal of all doubts and seeing a problem as it is realistically and without wishful thinking and false assessments.
      The Oslo Agreements, the Wye Agreements, the Hebron Agreement, the fleeing from Lebanon, the Gaza disengagement, all stand out today as bad decisions and examples of woefully poor judgment by world and Israeli leaders.
      We hoped that these gestures would make the hatred and violence go away. Unfortunately, they did not.
      It will take a long time and a major change in attitudes and circumstances for hatred and violence to even begin to diminish.
      Biblical epics last for centuries, not just for months and years.

  7. BULLSHIT ALERT!!!!!!!

    • I second that alert!!!!!

  8. In America the first amendment is for everyone, even foreigners, but using the courts ,I think is a different story.

  9. I have a question … does the US Constitution extend ‘freedom of speech’ protection to foreigners?

    The “Irvine 11″ may be rude to interrupt and delay Michael Oren’s speech, but I don’t think Mr Oren, as an Israeli envoy, has a right to free speech under our US Constitution.

    If the Muslim students broke some law, that is fine, but I do not think they could be charged for violating the US Constitutional rights of a foreigner in this country.

    • Who cares! This is an ongoing saga of how to facilitate more negative media against the Jews and Israel!
      Do you know how old this story is? The Washington Post wrote a story about this back in Feb. 2011.

      The American economy is in great turmoil because the good old boys have broken every Constitutional law there is. Why in the world even bother asking about who has Constitutional rights. Haven’t you been watching the video’s Alex puts out? Our Constitutional rights in America cease to exist! Stop the propaganda and get on with the real issues at hand!

      • Yaffa, I give that a big Amen!

        As such both the innocent and guilty will suffer for god almighty the creater of the universe sees and hears all.

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