Why the FAX machine refuses to die

Paul Venezia
Info World
September 8, 2011

There are only two types of technology that I absolutely hate with a passion: printers and faxes. Printers are obviously the bane of IT. With all those drivers for every operating system version (usually about 150 times the size of the actual driver file itself), a predilection for jamming, and of course those ever-popular toner explosion scenarios, I’m still scarred by memories of printer disasters.

But I can accept that printers exist because, yeah, sometimes things need to be printed out. Faxes, however, should be banished to the land of RLL drives and the 5.25-inch floppy. Faxes have no need to exist today, yet they’re still all over the place. It’s maddening.

Consider what a fax machine actually is: a little device with a sheet feeder, a terrible scanning element, and an ancient modem. Most faxes run at 14,400bps. That’s just over 1KB per second — and people are still using faxes to send 52 poorly scanned pages of some contract to one another. Over analog phone lines. Sometimes while paying long-distance charges! The mind boggles.

Here’s what a fax should be: a little device with a sheet feeder, a reasonably solid scanning element, an Ethernet cable, and no modem whatsoever. It should just be a network scanning function. That’s it. You drop a paper document in the feeder, run a small applet on your computer (or on the device itself) that drags the resulting scan into a nice clean (and possibly encrypted) PDF on your system or network, at which point you use any number of methods to send it to someone. Heck, be “old-fashioned” and email the thing. It’ll get there in 1/100 the time of the fax, it won’t cost money or tie up a phone line, and it will result in far better quality than a low-res scan compressed to squeeze through a data path with the same bandwidth as a piece of bailing wire.

Yet the ancient fax machine survives.

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3 Responses to “Why the FAX machine refuses to die”

  1. I too HATE these things, I deal with a RTO Co. and do repairs on their rental crap, I HAVE to send invoices, repair request,autho forms ALL BY FAX!!!
    Because there is a very limited internet @ these stores, they can go to the store sites, but thats all
    Seems some idiot employee screwed it up for everybody by abusing the system years ago.

    It is the ONLY Co. I deal with who still uses fax

    • guess I should add HOW I do it @ no cost….I use a MagicJack, line comes from it, to the modem on back of the same computer, WinBlows fax prog accepts the MJ as a valid line and it works fine

  2. But the facsimile machine is the cockroach of the information age.
    Didn’t it help bring down the Soviet Union?

    Keep them around, either in the basement or garage for just such an occasion.

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