US wants world police after blowing millions on MidEast ‘occupation’

July 31, 2012

Fresh report says that over $200 million spent by Washington to train Iraqi police have gone to waste. The US is now preparing to send hundreds of its own police across the world to help locals handle security. John Glaser from believes the plan is more about control and enrichment, than regional stability. Afghanistan is another drain for American taxpayers’ money. The US is training local forces – but mass desertions from the ranks are hurting efforts to maintain stability. Analyst Jason Ditz attributes this to corrupt authorities and poorly-planned spending.

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One Response to “US wants world police after blowing millions on MidEast ‘occupation’”

  1. thats a drop in the bucket.

    all the trillions spent to kill a couple million people in the middle east..
    all the trillions in corporate welfare to make US unemployed and homeless..
    all the trillions spent to turn the USA into a police state..

    by the financial terrorists who are handing US the bill for it all!!

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