Victorian tills ring loudest on Xmas Eve

Spending in the lead-up to Christmas has been strong but not spectacular, the Australian National Retailers Association (ANRA).

Speaking at David Jones in Sydney where sales signs and reduced stock were already on display, ANRA Chief Executive Margy Osmond said many people had taken advantage of Christmas Eve falling on a Saturday and left their shopping to the last moment.

Shoppers are expected to shell out an estimated $1.5 billion on Saturday, with Victorians handing over the most cash, followed closely by people in NSW.

“Victorians are going to be out there with their credit cards … and the tills will be ringing in Victoria as the number one state,” Ms Osmond told reporters.

But although sales for the festive period are expected to be slightly up from last year, Ms Osmond said it wasn’t triumphant either.

“This is going to be a solid Christmas all up when we take the four weeks of the Christmas period.

“It is going to be solid, not spectacular,” she said.

“We probably won’t see quite the level of growth we had hoped and we are a little way off a recovery, but it bodes well for the Boxing Day sales next week.”

Among the most popular items under the Christmas tree this year were iPads, sweet Italian wine and gift vouchers.

Ms Osmond said the recent interest rate cuts could have helped boost sales slightly.

“I think it would have been legitimate to expect that two interest rate cuts would have stirred people into a little more shopping a little earlier.”

However, she said they often don’t tend to have a lasting impact on spending behaviour until around six weeks after they’re introduced.

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