Washington Times Breaks U.S. Media Blackout On Bilderberg

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Washington Post fails to mention the fact that dozens of hugely influential power brokers are meeting in their own back yard

Paul Joseph Watson
Prison Planet.com
Thursday, May 31, 2012

The U.S. media blackout on Bilderberg has been broken, with the Washington Times being the first mainstream U.S. news outlet to cover the gathering of over 100 power brokers in Chantilly, Virginia which kicks off today – but the Washington Post remains mute.

Washington Times Breaks U.S. Media Blackout On Bilderberg

The Times reports that a half-mile security perimeter has been set up around the Westfields Marriott hotel and that a photographer for the newspaper was told by police, “any attempt to get close to the building would result in arrest.”

It’s all part of the unprecedented security crackdown now in force to protect global financiers, banking heads, media and technology moguls as well as elected officials from the very public whose lives are affected by their decisions.

“This year, it’s the biggest ever. The security is leveraged up big time. It’s unprecedented,” Alex Jones told the newspaper.

Despite the fact that dozens of the most powerful and influential people on the planet are meeting today in their own back yard, the Washington Post, which itself is routinely represented at Bilderberg via its publisher Donald Graham, has failed to even mention the event thus far.

Expect the Post to only report on the conference once it’s wrapped up. Bilderberg relies on big media to ignore their meetings so as not to draw more press attention while the summit is in progress.

In a separate story, numerous prominent Canadian newspapers, including the Calgary Herald, are reporting on criticism leveled against Alberta Premier Alison Redford’s following her announcement that she will attend the meeting at a cost of $19,000 to taxpayers.

As we reported yesterday, Redford, a prominent global warming alarmist, will scheme with Bilderbergers on the best way to implement Agenda 21 using the threat of ecological crises.

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Wildrose Leader Danielle Smith, who was previously characterized as a national embarrassment by Redford for daring to question the official mantra behind climate change, savaged Redford for not paying for the trip herself.

“That’s $19,000 on the taxpayer dime for a committee that meets in secret, has no policies, no resolutions, nobody is allowed — it’s invite only,” Smith said. “What is Alberta getting out of this?

“I think in fact she’s actually thinking more about her career after politics and she’s using it as a networking event. Well, fair enough, then she can pay for it herself. We don’t think Albertans should be on the hook for this tab.”

Redford has promised to report back on what she discussed at Bilderberg, but don’t expect her to go into much detail because attendees are sworn to secrecy – another example of Bilderberg’s contempt for the democratic process.

Britain’s Daily Mail newspaper also carries a story today which largely regurgitates Infowars’ original piece about the stifling security measures now being put in place.

Digital Journal also has a piece looking at the likely topics of discussion at this year’s confab.

Stay tuned to Infowars.com today for all the breaking news on Bilderberg as attendees begin to arrive.


Paul Joseph Watson is the editor and writer for Prison Planet.com. He is the author of Order Out Of Chaos. Watson is also a regular fill-in host for The Alex Jones Show and Infowars Nightly News.

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29 Responses to “Washington Times Breaks U.S. Media Blackout On Bilderberg”

  1. Ah don’t worry, when they throw the money at them, they’ll quiet down and shut up. Money talks !

    the sage Reply:
    May 31st, 2012 at 9:04 am

    I would find it most interesting if some insider or hotel staff employee secretly audio records the whole event from beginning to end and then publicly releases it…just to get a sense of what these people are talking about…and how they say it.

    Peter Wolf Reply:
    May 31st, 2012 at 11:05 am

    Who wouldnt want to be a fly on the wall…….like a cleaner or a waiter……

    I hope the chefs spit and piss into their food or add poison or introduce a nasty outbreak of Norovirus or something like that.Weekend conference working towards world domination turns into weekend of vomiting etc etc with Bilderberg delegates confined to their hotel rooms

    Global Defiance Reply:
    May 31st, 2012 at 9:35 am

    Nope. They’ve alread got more money than they could ever hope to use. It’s absolute power and control that they’re after, not money. They’ve grown bored with gaining complete control over the world’s wealth, as they’ve already fulfilled that goal long ago. These people are viciously competitive, like a good chess player; and since their’s really nothing left for conquering, they’ve decided to go after the ulitmate prize; the planet Earth, and all of it’s resources. They’re on a God complex and their desire is to be God and to be worshiped as God. Just as Salvation is the ultimate goal of Christianity, man becoming God is the ultimate goal of Luciferianism. Absolute insanity.

    singularity Reply:
    May 31st, 2012 at 10:06 am

    The Washington Times is not reporting the endgame. It’s a limited hangout, so no need to throw money at them to pipe down.

  2. criminals in uniform protecting criminals..
    move along, nothing to see here..

    threat of arrest = terrorism
    fake bomb threat = terrorism
    “we have machine guns!” = terrorism
    globalists secretly planning = terrorism
    policies by the unelected = terrorism

  3. – Citizens Arrests – can occur anywhere in the world after Biderberg any time any place
    Their lives wont be much fun if the need security -everywhere they go
    (peaceful arrests and trial by lawful courts by Judges who are anti treasonist)

    We need to purge the vast majority of serving western politicians from office

    a Political Purge of all parties left right as we know is irrelevant.

    PatrioticTerrorist Reply:
    May 31st, 2012 at 9:06 am

    not sure about your state but in Arizona a citizens arrest is not legal anymore. any citizen detaining another against his will is a crime, if you move that said person a few feet its considered kidnapping and if threatened you are only allowed to use appropriate force until a threat is no longer viable. anything past that is a crime also. they are taking all the power of the people away. just like they are taking away your immune systems, your ability to survive on your own, your ability to retain knowledge, and our planet(you cannot just set up a tent and start growing your own food without being arrested, like they own the planet we all inhabit, like we have somewhere else to go)

  4. Corrections occur in this narrative making it appear a little different than originally posted on May 30, although the thesis remains intact and unmodified.

    Marriott/Chantilly, is a Mormon sacrifice temple.

    I am 90% certain, based on my occult research, that Brittanee Drexel will be one of several individuals sacrificed at this meeting. The other victims that may also still be alive are Natalee Holloway, Robyn Gardner, Holly Bobo and Lauren Spierer.

    Drexel’s abduction was laid out cartographically lined up to create a small window through which Miami Florida (zombie hijinks) lines up with Marriott, Chantilly. Drexel’s birth date is the same as Queen Elizabeth, and they are going to sacrifice her to commemorate this event and Bilderberg having successfully institutionalized occult rendition via FEMA, The PATRIOT Act and S.1867.1021.

    Drexel’s been on ice, which is why Phil Bredesen is involved in this, and they will awaken her after a three year drug induced coma to horrific circumstances surrounded by robed sociopaths who begin torturing and sacrificing her. Same for the other victims. THIS is the Bilderberg protocol.

    These monsters leave a cartographic trail, because they want you to know what they are doing, hence the Miami zombie hijinks (Hijinks) which when you connect this location to Marriott, Chantilly, this line passes through the cartographical intersection of Casas Adobes (Gabriel Giffords), Sierra Lamar, Aruba/Church of the Nazarene (Delta Region Abduction Project) and a very narrow corridor occurring between where Drexel was abducted and where her cell phone was placed to create this map, all of this coincidence according to TBI/Fusion Center and DHS.

    In Drexel’s case, the cartography presented in two points also having previously lined up on Megan Maxwell via line of longitude, although the significance of this was yet to present in connection with the Hijinks.

    Notwithstanding, and although the alignment is less precise than with female abductions, Aruba (Holloway/Gardner), Hijinks and Kodiak Island are ALSO cartographically aligned, which makes this particular Bilderberg meeting state of the art in commemorating abductions based on it’s successful creation of legislation which sets an international precedence for occult rendition.

    There is a Nazarene church in Piqua what location is a cartographic function of Phil Bredesen’s Delta Region Abduction Project (Maxwell et al), and the leader of this organization, an internationally recognized entity, has demanded that I do not use his name in connection with these events under threat of a defamation law suit.

    So, the Eye of the Needle is a function of many points in connection with the abductions of Crystal Hall, Megan Maxwell, Paige Johnson, Holly Bobo, Lauren Spierer, Katelyn Markham and Karen Swift on the continent proper and Natalee Holloway and Robyn Gardner (Thomas Monson) in Aruba, and yet people remain mystified on Bilderberg. Why? Because you don’t wan to acknowledge what this organization is doing, and it IS an organization!

    Chantilly Marriot is perfectly aligned with Hijinks (previously Aruba in error) via Drexel’s Eye of the Needle, which I believe this means these sociopaths are making you aware that they are the entity which engineered DRAC legislation FEMA, The PATRIOT Act and S.1867.1021, policy which sets an international precedence for kidnapping for torture to resource their BDSM/pedophilia ritual sacrifice activities using “products” acquired in the US. Our children are those products.

    As I stated previously, Chantilly Marriott is a Mormon Temple used for ritual human sacrifice and very likely has a vaulted structure beneath it’s main building or is networked with some similar structure nearby via tunnels. You are dealing with a very sophisticated sociopath organization that when people stop taking it’s money and start prosecuting these monsters you will learn this organization networks with the Mormon church.

    In this hypothesis, and based partly also on the lighting and design of this structure, it is very likely Brittanee Drexel, Natalee Holloway and Holly Bobo are still alive and awaiting sacrifice sometime during this particular meeting to confirm the viability of FEMA, The PATRIOT Act and S.1867.1021. The public was baited to this event for this purpose, this organization having intentionally set it’s boundary AFTER arrival and not because these individuals fear for their personal safety but because they wanted to attract a crowd a close by as possible to surround their sacrifice activities with an audience, although no one outside the boundary will actually see the sacrifice itself! This is an acculturation strategy, first drawing a crowd with the victim out of sight, and eventually bringing the victim into the open, maybe in a couple of decades, to perform this activity in full view oft he public. THIS is Bilderberg.

    Lamar’s abduction site was triangulated perfectly with Whitechapel and the statue of Pete Wilson (Linden, San Joaquin, Polly Klass) in San Diego, where the Eye of the Needle (Drexel) falls absolutely angularly equidistant between these two locations. This confirms occult rendition was occurring as far back as Pete Wilson’s tenure as governor of California and kidnapping link to the NGA. Whitechapel is the location of SSO initiation Atramental Lodge 23 (1888), formerly DC, and the murder site of some 11 female victims, one of which was Mary Ann Nichols and the real mother of TE Lawrence. Lawrence was renditioned curbside, handed off to adoptive parents and put to use for the political gain of the parliament and monarchy of Britain.

    All linking abduction sites are triangulated, so there is actually more to this than just connecting two points on a map and spuriously alleging these are related. Triangulated cartographic alignment proves this out, or a given site will be dismissed.


    There is a Nazarene church in Piqua what location is a cartographic function of Phil Bredesen’s Delta Region Abduction Project (Maxwell et al) [AND Aruba/Hijinks], and the leader of this organization, an internationally recognized entity, has demanded that I do not use his name in connection with these events under threat of a defamation law suit.


    The half mile boundary radius on this location indicates that underground structures may likewise be confined to within a half mile of the main building.

  6. weather or not global warming is fact or fiction, we MUST take action to save our environment from deforestation and the slow poisoning of our food supply. so far politicians have been too weak and greedy to take action and the rednecks would simply do nothing. so what choice do we have?



  7. Hey,coastx
    I`ve never heard of any of this stuff with Bilderberg.If there is any way to confirm some of this stuff,you should write a book.I`m not criticizing,I`m genuinely interested.

    bkr360 Reply:
    May 31st, 2012 at 8:44 am

    Watch Alex Jones Movie ENDGAME or The Obama Deception and you will enlightened.

    the sage Reply:
    May 31st, 2012 at 9:00 am

    I believe Irondad is not referring to Bilderberg in general…but more specific to coastx posts regarding Bilderberger.

    I too would like coastx to provide a source or link to further investigate these specific connections he presents.

    ringo stark Reply:
    May 31st, 2012 at 9:11 am

    coastx is retarded, this guys spews off the most nonsensical info printed in a while, sacrificing females is one of his latest remarks….lol

    ringo stark Reply:
    May 31st, 2012 at 9:02 am

    confirm? there is nothing this site can confirm, its whole existence is based on selling fear, while the lemming suck it up.

  8. There is NO terrorism but STATE terrorism,
    And ROCKEFELLER is its prophet!

  9. Ironclad, this is the first time you heard of Bilderberg? Bilderberg has been around since the forties. They control every government in the world including ours. Some of the world’s most wealthy and powerful people meeting in secret to discuss what they are going to do for the rest of the year. And with everything in the world going on, they could do anything they want. From picking Marc Rubio to be Romney’s running mate to deciding if they still want Otrama for another four years or Romney in there to discussing what they should do about Iran to so many other things. And everything they discuss will happen. That’s unfortunately the worst part about all this. Everything they decide will happen and it won’t be good for the rest of us. But they don’t care.

    ringo stark Reply:
    May 31st, 2012 at 9:04 am

    sure they do, they own big businesses that you and the rest of the idiots here SUPPORT, while coming here and complaining.

  10. The guide to the group of scum who run the world,http://silverstealers.net/tss.html. It will take days to read the complete history of how these scum bags took power still use it today to stay rich out of the lime light, time to expose them learn their weaknesses, then destroy their way of life!

  11. all the traitors are all in one place now if somebody drops a nuclear bomb

    we know who they are, we know what their doing, soon they’ll all get busted humiliated in front of
    the whole world …

    bkr360 Reply:
    May 31st, 2012 at 8:47 am

    The fate of the world rest on wasting one city forever? Would it be worth the loss of people?

    ringo stark Reply:
    May 31st, 2012 at 9:07 am

    gawd you are fckan dumb, there will ALWAYS be rich and powerful people on this planet, you know why? because losers like you sit around and complain rather than make something of yourself, so someone else takes the baton and runs with it while making billions, hence they become powerful as money talks and bs walks..and bs, there is a lot of it here.

    Peter Wolf Reply:
    May 31st, 2012 at 9:29 am

    Oh dear its terrible/i had plans for world domination and depopulation etc etc and i had BIG IDEAS about launching/instigating multiple wars to profit from and to gain more power and win the global chess game.I knew i should have tried harder but i didnt and now my life sucks because of it because i have an unsatisfied and frustrated hunger for power.I want to have billions and billions and billions in the bank to feel good about myself and to feel like a success.

    I wish i could go back in time and start over as i could have been a contender and a BIGSHOT Bilderberg player.Oh well i could still work for the govt and hope that in time i would be promoted further up the Globalist food chain and maybe one day be selected to run for office….

    I could have had it all………….

  12. Don’t worry about all this. The outcome has already been written, and it shall be. Look no further than your bible, Its all in there. And remember this: The meek shall inherit the earth.


  13. Play the Bilderberg Game.
    click my link

  14. You can be assured that the hotel is scrubbed for any electronic devices that could record them. These people have access to the most sophisticated debugging and detection equipment on earth; stuff that would make James Bond look like a child playing with a 5 dollar camera watch.

  15. anybody ever think, maybe this ‘media awakening’ is in their agenda? daddy bush didn’t accidentally let ‘new world order’ slip to the entire nation.


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