‘West seeks new crisis in Syria’

“Remarks by the officials of the US and certain Western countries about Syria in recent days show that they seek to prepare the ground for a new crisis,” said Larijani in an address to a Majlis open session on Wednesday.

He added that the US military officials most likely suffer from a misunderstanding of regional issues.

Embarking on adventurism in Syria may be easy but putting an end to it will be hard, Larijani cautioned Washington and Tel Aviv.

He voiced Majlis’ support for Syria’s democratic reforms that ‘would safeguard the rights of the Syrian nation.’

“The Majlis condemns the opportunistic intervention of certain countries in Syria and the US terrorist measures and unwise warmongering messages,” he pointed out.

Syria has been the scene of unrest since mid-March, 2011. Many people, including security forces, have been killed in the turmoil.

The West and the Syrian opposition accuse the government of killing the protesters. But Damascus blames ”outlaws, saboteurs and armed terrorist groups” for the unrest, insisting that it is being orchestrated from abroad.

Chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff General Martin Dempsey has warned about the crisis in Syria, saying that said the Middle Eastern country might face armed intervention.

“There is always a military option,” he stated.


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