What Bulgaria Terror Victims and Their Families are Going Through

A victim of the attack in Bulgaria. Photo: Screenshot.

Jacob Kimchy, profiled recently by The Algemeiner created One Heart in 2006, a non-profit organization that provides psychological and emotional support to child victims of terror and trauma. Kimchy’s father Rami Kimchy, was killed in a terrorist attack in Rishon Letzion, Israel ten years ago in the midst of the second Intifada. Today he spoke with The Algemeiner about the experience of terror victims and their families, and their struggle to cope with trauma and loss.

Speaking of how he felt when first hearing of the attack in Bulgaria, Koby said it reminded him of his own traumatic experiences, “its really hard” he said, “I just spoke to my mother and I asked her how she feels, she said that its really hard for her as well. She has already seen all the images of what happened and people crying. We always wish that after an attack anywhere around the world that it will be the last terrorist attack (to occur).”

“We feel a strong connection to the attack because we know what they went through” Koby shared, “The friends (of the victims and families) needs to provide a lot of support but also allow for (the mourner) to be alone.”

“The victims, will be reminded of the attack by any loud noise that they will hear, just walking on the street will be different for them now because it will remind them.”

Koby vividly remembers the period of mourning after the loss of his father, ”during the mourning period each family member and friend came to visit on seven consecutive days, to show up and bring food.” He also offered guidance for friends and family of the victims, ”Don’t say anything just be there, you can just say you’ll be there, that is the next step. Don’t offer professional help because it can be insulting.”

There are times when the victims or their families will need to be alone Koby said, “its an individual feeling  for everything that happened… and it was a little hard for me to handle what happened. My mother’s house had hundreds of people visiting everyday for 30 days and only afterwards she was really able to cry. I was surrounded by helpers and supporters including family and friends in the community but I needed to be alone. I needed to be by myself but not completely alone.”

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