What Exactly Happened at Oklahoma City?

by Bob McCarty

by Bob McCarty: Brother
of Murder Victim Seeks Details of FBI’s ‘Sensitive Informant Program’

I had just
dropped off my oldest – and, at the time, only – son
at the Montessori school he attended in Norman, Okla., when a KTOK
radio reporter shared a live report about some kind of explosion
in downtown Oklahoma City, 20 miles north of where I was. It was
only after more details began to flood in that the scope of the
tragedy became evident.

Four years
ago today, I published my first, albeit brief, article
about the Oklahoma City Bombing. No investigative journalism. No
interviews. More than anything, just an observance. Because I didn’t
know much at the time.

That changed
after I read Jayna Davis’ New York Times Best Seller,
Third Terrorist

On June 7,
2009, I published a piece
in which I called for the federal government to reopen
its investigations Into TWA Flight 800 and the Oklahoma City Bombing

On Sept. 27,
2009, I published another, Video
Raises New Doubts About Oklahoma City Bombing Evidence, Investigation
It included my first mention of Jesse
Trentadue’s relentless campaign
to obtain copies
of pre-explosion surveillance video shot by cameras in downtown
Oklahoma City and, in turn, learn the truth about the death of his
brother, Kenneth
, while in federal custody in Oklahoma City.
It also included several statements attributed to Trentadue in a
published that day. Among them, one stood out:

cameras in four different locations going blank at basically the
same time on the morning of April 19, 1995. There ain’t no such
thing as a coincidence.”
– Jesse Trentadue

On Sept. 28,
2009, I published three more articles – part
1 of 3
, part
2 of 3
and Part
3 of 3
– based on my exclusive interview
with author Davis who, after years of not speaking to anyone in
the news media, broke her silence about the OKC

On Sept. 30,
2009, I published another
based on my exclusive interview
with David P. Schippers, a Chicago attorney who
gained fame during the ’90s as the man who served as chief
investigative counsel for the U.S. House of Representatives
Judiciary Committee
during the Clinton Impeachment
, as manager of the proceedings that followed in
the U.S. Senate, and as the author of the book, SELLOUT:
The Inside Story of President Clinton’s Impeachment
chronicling those events. NOTE: He also served
as director of the Justice Department’s Organized Crime Task
Force in Chicago under Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy during
the 1960s, though I didn’t realize that at the time I wrote
this article.

On April 20,
2010, I shared political pundit Dick Morris’ observation that
Bill Clinton’s Waco actions render claims of an OKC Bombing cover-up
more believable than ever
. Sadly, Morris’ claims
only scratched the surface of a much larger crime.

Hussain Al-Hussaini (Quincy P.D. Photo)Hussain Al-Hussaini (Quincy P.D. Photo)

Al-Hussaini (Quincy P.D. Photo)

More articles
followed until, on March 11, 2011, I shared details about the arrest
of Hussain Al-Hussaini, the man author Davis pegged
as the third terrorist in her book of the same name, being arrested
in Quincy, Mass
. Not surprisingly, no one in the mainstream
news media showed interest in the man’s arrest, since the
Timothy McVeigh-Terry Nichols narrative had already
been “sold” to the American public.

After learning
the Oklahoma
City Bombing videotapes would be the subject of a federal court
hearing in Salt Lake City May 11
, I began covering
Trentadue’s efforts more closely April 7, 2011. I was particularly
impressed by the attorney’s common-man reasoning he shared
with Judge Clark Waddoups in the U.S. District
Court for the District of Utah, Central Division

American public has a right to know what happened in Oklahoma City
on the morning of April 19, 1995 and, more importantly, why? Yet,
it is obvious that for some reason FBI Defendants do not want the
truth about the Oklahoma City bombing made public. Perhaps the reason
is as simple as: the Federal Government’s prior knowledge of that
planned attack and failure to prevent it, or that there were others
involved whom the Federal government chose not to expose and/or
prosecute. But whatever the reason, that is precisely why the FOIA
became law: to protect the right of American citizens to know their
own history and, more importantly, their government. And that is
why the Court should reject the FBI Defendants’ claim that their
only obligation is to search their computerized records for this
evidence knowing that it is not there and once that search they
knew would fail has been concluded, they need do no more.

Also of interest
were several documents Trentadue shared with me that shed light
on the FBI’s response to his Freedom of Information Act
request for the missing videotapes.

I continued
to follow Trentadue’s efforts in several 2011 posts –
on May
, May
, June
, July
, Sept.
– ending with one ‘Fast
and Furious” post Oct. 10

After almost
a year passed, I picked up the trail again Sept. 11, 2012, publishing
a piece under the headline, One-Hour
Video Will Chill You
. It featured the video below.

On Oct. 21,
2012, I shared more details about Trentadue’s relentless
pursuit of the truth about his brother’s death
. It
was followed less than two months later by another not-so-dramatic

Things turned
much more dramatic Jan. 30, when I shared details about Trentadue’s
pursuit of information about the FBI’s
“Sensitive Informant Program,”
by Trentadue as one used by the bureau “to recruit and/or
place informants on the staffs of members of the United States Congress
and perhaps even federal judges, in the national media, within other
federal agencies as well as the White House, on defense teams in
high-profile federal and/or state criminal prosecutions, inside
state and local law enforcement agencies, and even among the clergy
of organized religions.”

On March 1,
2013, I shared a follow-up piece about the FBI’s “Sensitive
Informant Program,”
using a headline to ask the question,
FBI Informants Working Inside America’s Churches?

Eighteen years
after the Oklahoma
City Bombing
, many questions persist and the truth
remains elusive; therefore, I will strive to keep you updated on
the case, in part, by following Trentadue as he pursues the truth
about his brother’s death and, in turn, the Oklahoma
City Bombing
. Stay tuned!

with permission from BobMcCarty.com.

6, 2013

Bob McCarty
is the author of
Days In August: A U.S. Army Special Forces Soldier’s Fight For Military
, a nonfiction book that’s available in paperback
and ebook
via most online booksellers, including Amazon.com.
His second book,
, is coming soon.

© 2013 BobMcCarty.com

Source Article from http://lewrockwell.com/orig14/mccarty-bob2.1.1.html

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