Why the corporate state is killing #AltMedia news from both sides

Why the corporate state is killing #AltMedia from both sides

By Dark Politricks

You should have seen or at least heard about the de-monetizing going on by Google who now not only controls YouTube but also the search results that would put your video or web page at the top of their search engine results.

This is also happening by Facebook blocking accounts, closing groups, or locking you out for time periods.

This de-monetization isn’t only hitting sites on the left such as The Young Turks, Jimmy Dore, Redacted Tonight but also many middle of the road and anti-war sites such as Democracy Now and Counterpunch and even right-wing sites such as Prison Planet as well as their alternative social media platform Gab are being affected by this attack on free speech.

The “Do No Evil” motto Google uses really should have that “No” taken from the middle of it.

The company has been accused of helping the CIA and NSA refine some of their deep state and unconstitutional programs search algorithms. These multiple programs have been exposed by ex intelligence agents who went public and were punished for doing so such as William Binney, Thomas Drake and Edward Snowden among others.

These included programs such CISA (the Cybersecurity Information Sharing Act), that “legalizes all forms of government and corporate spying”.

Big Brother has been watching us for well over a decade now it seems from every possible camera phone, TV webcam and laptop, it doesn’t help that our younger generation are putting their whole lives on show for Google, and “Unspecified 3rd parties”.

I guess they didn’t want to mention the NSA or GCHQ in the Terms and Conditions of Smart TV buyers. I read my TOS to the end when I bought my last Smart TV and I was shocked at what they would be sending to these unspecified 3rd parties including, talking in the background, pictures caught on inbuilt webcams plus your history of programme watching.

These webcams on phones, TV’s and laptops can be enabled remotely and even if they are turned off as a small bit of charge always remains to allow the phone to ping local phone masts.

Even with GPS disabled they can record where you are using triangulation from these mast pings and taking the battery out of modern smart phones is almost impossible. As for remote viewing through webcams nothing beats a bit of tape wrapped over the camera.

Google been seriously de-monetizing #altnews sites since the “Fake News” meme came out during the 2016 US election when WikiLeaks dumped the Podesta emails.

This was something which revealed the previous ties the Clinton’s had with Russia themselves, something that they are still accusing Trump of having, along with information on the DNC’s plan to blackball the most popular politician in the USA, Bernie Sanders, all to allow Hillary Clinton to stand as their Presidential candidate.

This was despite Hillary being proven by multiple polls as one of the most hated politicians alive, as well as many other polls that revealed Bernie had a better chance of beating Trump in a head to head than she would.

It seems she must have been promised at the secret 2008 Bilderberg meeting in the US before Obama was anointed the “chosen one” that she would finally have her chance at political glory the next time round.

There was also the Pizzagate scandal, an “establishment conspiracy”, about child trafficking and politicians being involved in bizarre sex parties.

This also seems to have bitten a little too close to the bone for those involved. The “Fake News” meme was batted about from both sides and important stories such as the redacted 28/29 pages that proved a Saudi connection to 9.11 were totally ignored.

Any YouTube video involving terms the establishment didn’t like were removed ASAP by Google and accounts closed by the hundreds.

It got to one stage that accounts still open reporting on the Pizzagate scandal had to show everything back to front with intermediate clips of Muslim prayer just to beat the algorithms that flag these “alternative theories”, or de-monetization, as the establishment would call it, for human inspection.

Google also control the way you gain access to alternative news sites through their search engine results by pushing you right to the bottom behind all the establishment content such as news from the Washington Post. A paper owned by Amazon owner Jeff Bezos who was given a $600 million grant by the CIA.

So as well as getting to shut down shopping centres and control the news from well-known papers, the CIA and Google now have a say in which videos and sites who provide alternative points of view from the pro-war, Wall St bankster, neo-con narrative.

Sites such as mine, who badly need the revenue to keep running, are not getting it at the same speed we used to and we all need readers help if the Internet is not going to become a huge center for neo-cons and neo-liberals to push their globalist, endless war for endless peace plans for us.

This should be something everyone from the left to the right should be concerned about as if the US intelligence agencies along with the help of Silicon Valley are controlling our news and implanting thoughts in our heads with no opposing view then we are being conditioned by the state and their puppet masters.

If you don’t care about this massive grab of data from millions of people who are neither terrorists or criminals then you really don’t care about civil rights and privacy at all.

Always remember there are other search engines like DuckDuckGo and PrivateSearch that still bring you the results you want without adverts, tracking cookies and ties to the government deep state.

Watch this Redacted Tonight interview for more information.

By Dark Politricks

© 2017 Dark Politricks

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Source Article from http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/DarkPolitricks/~3/NlLPmYUx3Ug/

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