Wind turbines to be built near Lyveden New Bield

  • Trust says development will blight ‘Britain’s finest Elizabethan garden’
  • Planning inspector backed appeal by energy firm to build turbines there

Tamara Cohen

10:47 EST, 14 March 2012


20:10 EST, 14 March 2012

It is a stunning Tudor summer house, set amid the splendour of ‘Britain’s finest Elizabethan garden’.

That’s how a planning inspector described this National Trust property – before granting permission  for four huge wind turbines on nearby land.

The Trust is furious at the decision, which it says will blight the historic building’s setting and spell disaster for other heritage sites.

The future: How Lyveden New Bield in Northamptonshire could look when the wind farm is installed, to the horror of the National Trust

The future: How Lyveden New Bield in Northamptonshire could look when the wind farm is installed, to the horror of the National Trust

Protests: Peter Stephens, chairman of Stop Barnwell Wind Farm Committee - which opposed the development - at Lyveden New Bield

Protests: Peter Stephens, chairman of Stop Barnwell Wind Farm Committee – which opposed the development – at Lyveden New Bield

But their fears for Lyvden New Bield
in Northamptonshire were dismissed on the grounds that the Government’s
green targets – to produce 15 per cent of energy from renewable sources
by 2020 – must come first.

The Planning Inspectorate granted a
company permission to build the 125metre-high turbines just over half a
mile from the property, as well as an access road, mast and underground
cables. It allowed the application on appeal after it was rejected by
East Northamptonshire Council last year.

Inspector Paul Griffiths acknowledged that ‘irreplaceable’ historic assets should receive the highest level of protection.

He even conceded that the turbines
would be clearly visible from the estate and surrounding villages and be
an ‘alien and incongruous’ presence in the historic landscape.

Mr Griffiths noted that the garden was
described as ‘probably the finest surviving example of an Elizabethan
Garden’, and that Lyveden New Bield has a ‘cultural value of national,
if not international significance’.

Despite this, he concluded: ‘The
significant benefits of the proposal in terms of the energy it would
produce from a renewable source outweigh the less than substantial harm
it would cause to the setting.’

Change of direction: The four turbines - reduced from five in the original application - would be just a kilometre away and visible from every part of the site (file photo)

Change of direction: The four turbines – reduced from five in the original application – would be just a kilometre away and visible from every part of the site (file photo)

Dame Fiona Reynolds, director-general
of the National Trust, said: ‘This decision is a landmark case which
undermines the protection of our heritage sites.

‘It provides a clear indication that
our cultural heritage is at great risk from inappropriately sited wind
turbines and wind farms. If the impacts here are not such to amount to
substantial harm on our nation’s heritage, it is difficult to conceive
where they would be.

‘The site has the highest heritage designation possible, putting it on a par with places like Hampton Court.’

'Unique': The Government said Lyveden New Bield was arguably the most ambitious and unusual surviving example of an Elizabethan garden in England

‘Unique’: The Government said Lyveden New Bield was arguably the most ambitious and unusual surviving example of an Elizabethan garden in England

UN carbon trade 'is a failure'

UN carbon trade ‘is a failure’

Barnwell Manor Wind Farm was opposed
by many local residents and by local MP Louise Mensch.  It would be
built on neighbouring land owned by the Queen’s cousin the Duke of
Gloucester, by West Coast Energy based in Mold, North Wales.

The Duke and Duchess live in an apartment at Kensington Palace and lease out their 2,500-acre estate near Oundle.

West Coast Energy said the turbines
would produce ten megawatts, enough to supply the needs of 5,730 homes a
year and ‘produce affordable, secure and renewable energy for
generations to come’.

The house was begun in the late 1500s
by local sheriff Sir Thomas Tresham, a devout Roman Catholic who imbued
the design with religious significance. It was left unfinished when he
died in 1605.

The National Trust discovered the
remains of an Elizabethan pleasure garden in the grounds of the manor
and restored its moats, terraces and apple orchards in the original

Onshore wind power sites are highly
controversial and only around 25 per cent of proposals for them are
being approved, according to Renewable UK.

But many more are being allowed on
appeal and campaigners fear the ability of councils to ban them is being
undermined by aggressive energy firms and the proposed changes to
planning laws.

Here’s what other readers have said. Why not add your thoughts,
or debate this issue live on our message boards.

The comments below have not been moderated.

GrumpyOldPensioner, Manchester.—- What an excellent suggestion. Come on DM, back this idea and push for it. There are too many of these things popping up all over the place just to make money from subsidies. If the installers had to remove inefficient machines and make good the area, we would see at least 50% of the blighted landscape returned to normal.

I, too, love to see wind turbines, but, not, I am afraid, in that particular location. Definitely not!

I, too, love to see wind turbines, but, not, I am afraid, in that particular location. Definitely not!

These things are hideous to look at, and hideously ineffective as power generators. Planning authorities which permit them can rest assured of a growing public backlash.

They shut them down when it gets too windy. Are they cost effective ? No they are a complete waste of money the biggest CON of Twenty First Centery.

So, How much was the planning inspector paid? Hmm?

I like just sitting watching them spin.

If we can actually get energy from a modern windmills I do not see what the problem is, anyone seen the city of London lately, buildings that should be listed are being torn down for modern ugly blighted skyscrapers and grukins…the place is being ravished for nothing.

I have a simple answer to this conundrum.
If a wind farm is considered to make an important contribution to our national electricity supplies, then planning permissions should be conditional on the turbines producing a specified level of usable output over the first year. This specified level should be the claimed amount of contribution to supplies.
If the turbines do not produce the specified output, then the planning permission is obviously flawed and should therefore be automatically revoked. Then the turbines should be removed and the area restored to full greenfield conditions at the entire cost of the installer.
I am sure that all responsible wind farm developers are confident enough in their products to agree to these conditions or will we now find that the rush to install these monstrosities will abate?

I really can’t understand why, if we need so much renewable energy, why wave and tide power aren’t being used. Winds speed to high, shut the turbines down. Wind speed to low, not enough power generated. Tides are predictable with a lull at low and high tides. We as tax payers are subsidising these monstrosities, so why erect more and spoil the landscape?

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