Winston and the Labour tax avoiders

Andrew Pierce

16:01 EST, 15 April 2012


16:01 EST, 15 April 2012

As frontman of TV science series Making Babies, The Human Body, and Superhuman, Lord Winston’s friendly manner and trademark moustache have made him a familiar presence in millions of homes.

So the Labour leadership was delighted when the fertility expert, who still works in the NHS, agreed to front their local election TV broadcast last week.

Winston, a veteran party member, declared he ‘holds’ Labour’s values.

Lord Winston appears in the Labour election TV broadcast: Cartoon by Gary for the Daily Mail

Lord Winston appears in the Labour election TV broadcast: Cartoon by Gary for the Daily Mail

He’s right there. Along with Ken Livingstone and David Miliband, he funnels his vast media earnings through a company to reduce his tax bill.

Winston set up Kayplot Ltd in 1999 as his TV career was taking off. He is the sole shareholder and he and his wife Lira are directors. By setting up a company in this way, Winston can avoid paying a high rate of national insurance. He can also reduce his tax by choosing the timing of his dividend payouts and by paying corporation tax of 28 per cent rather than the top income tax rate of 50 per cent — which remains in force until next year and was introduced by the last Labour government. The potential for savings is huge.

Winston’s earnings, represented as profits in his accounts, were £498,000 in 2010-11; £497,000 in 2009; £448,000 in 2008; £404,000 and £319,000 in the two preceding years.

The revelation that Ken Livingstone operated a company has cost him dear in the London Mayoral race, and Red Ed Miliband has attacked tax avoidance as a ‘terrible thing’.

Is this the same Ed Miliband who, with his brother David used a special ‘Deed of Variation’ to reduce inheritance tax exposure on their parents home after the death of their father Ralph, a Marxist historian? Truly, they’re all in this together?

Quote of the week: London Mayor Boris Johnson at a hustings organised by gay lobby group Stonewall, said: ‘There may be scholars who contest it, but we have overwhelming evidence that William Shakespeare was gay. Well, certainly bisexual.’ Is there nothing our politicians won’t say to drum up support?

In a hard-hitting newspaper article, Nick ‘Calamity’ Clegg demanded that ‘big money’ is driven out of party politics. ‘Unless we reform our discredited and distrusted system of party funding, we may never restore that public confidence and trust that is the lifeblood of our democracy,’ he wrote. He could start restoring trust by handing back the £2.4 million donation from Michael Brown, who in 2008 was sentenced at Southwark Crown Court in his absence to seven years in jail for fraud. Brown posed as a highly successful bond dealer and secretly used  investors’ money to fund the donation to the Lib Dem election war chest in 2005.

Peter Stringfellow has finally given up on the Tories

Peter Stringfellow has finally given up on the Tories

Peter’s pole-vaulted to ukip

Now, even the nightclub owner Peter Stringfellow, who was for years the only minor celebrity willing to be wheeled out for the Tories, has given up on them after George Osborne’s disastrous Budget.

Millionaire Stringfellow — the man behind London’s best known pole-dancing venue — is endorsing the UKIP candidate in the council by-election in his Westminster constituency.
‘It’s the first time I have not supported the Conservative Party in 32 years living in London,’ he says sadly.

The website for Ian Liddell-Grainger, Conservative MP for Bridgwater, is unique in that it has an animated cat on its front page called Mogg-the-Blog. Liddell-Grainger’s site says: ‘This website is owned by

Ian Liddell-Grainger and financed by him alone (but it actually costs peanuts to run).’ Why then, do the records for MP expenses show two claims by Liddell-Grainger for ‘website hosting’, in September 2010 and August 2011?

Tories ditch gay row activist

The Tory activist who ran a campaign against his MP for opposing gay marriage has lost his post in the local Conservative association.

Philip Dawson, treasurer with Enfield Southgate association for six years, had his nomination for re-election thrown out. He had been running a Facebook and Twitter campaign against Tory MP David Burrowes, who is leading opposition in Parliament to gay marriage.

There are difficult times for the association’s agent Henry Lamprecht. He just happens to be Dawson’s partner.

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