Woman, 86, dies after Landcruiser hits her

An 86-year-old woman has died after sustaining severe head injuries when she was hit by a car in southern NSW.

The woman was crossing Bong Bong Street in Bowral when she was hit by a red Landcruiser about 3.15pm (AEDT) on Tuesday.

The driver was a 59-year-old woman from Mittagong, police said.

The elderly woman sustained serious head injuries after falling onto the road and striking her head.

She taken to Bowral Hospital but later died.

Detectives are asking for anyone who witnessed the incident to contact them.

They said they were particularly keen to hear from a man who is believed to have spoken to firefighters at the scene shortly after the collision.

Anyone with information should call Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000.

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