WSJ: Black Boxes Are Real, But Alex Jones Is “Paranoid”

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The Wall Street Journal admits that mandatory black boxes will be spying on us but then labels Infowars “paranoid” for being concerned about the intrusion.

Sam Favate
Wall St Journal
April 25, 2012


The same bill would allow the IRS to revoke passports of citizens accused of owing more than $50,000 in back taxes, according to, a website of radio show host Alex Jones – described by Rolling Stone as “a giant in America’s conspiracy subculture.”

The connection between black boxes and passport revocation has Jones in a lather.

Citing biometric face-recognition technology and transdermal sensors that prevent an inebriated person from driving a car, – another of his websites — suggests that a system could be established that would force every driver to get permission from the government to drive, once an iris scan determined their identity and good standing with the IRS.


Noticeably less paranoid is the website KurzweilAI — run by futurist and inventor Ray Kurzweil — which wonders what effect the legislation will have on upcoming advances such as augmented reality displays on windshields.

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30 Responses to “WSJ: Black Boxes Are Real, But Alex Jones Is “Paranoid””

  1. Time to find the place to retire to and get me a car before the mid 70′s just to get to the store and do local things. Someplace in the wilderness next to a lake or river. Cut my self off the grid no internet, no electricity.

    Rebelfromtheburg Reply:
    April 25th, 2012 at 8:42 am

    No electricity? That would be pretty weak. Im a huge fan of HBO I dont give a shit about some dumb Asian girl holding a penis cup lol. The Wire, Deadwood, OZ, The Soprano’s. All great shows. I need some TV/movies to pass the time with here n there. shiett..

    TexanPatriot Reply:
    April 25th, 2012 at 9:30 am

    I’m building my blu-ray library….up to 200 titles…prepping for the inevitable disappearance from the grid..

    Going on strike will be so liberating!

    Vengeance Reply:
    April 25th, 2012 at 11:56 am

    Better be stocking-up on the card board games like I did… *plays a Feral Imp face-down*

    wiggins Reply:
    April 25th, 2012 at 1:53 pm

    C.J.Samson……..brilliant books. Get them on ebay no postage.

    condor10 Reply:
    April 25th, 2012 at 2:28 pm

    Cutting oneself off from society will not work..Look what happened to Randy Weavers family in Ruby Ridge Idaho…David Koresh…Waco, Texas…….
    Tin Soldiers and Nixion’s coming…Were finally on our own…This summer I hear the drumming…………4 dead in Ohio……….Never forget the ones who gave it all so we can have so much…..Semper-Fi……….

    Want to frustrate Big SIS and Brother??
    Enhanced Drivers License-Secure Shields.
    E-Passports and Smart Credit Card Data Safe Sleeves
    BLOCK Brothers….Scanners…….out there all day–every day–
    Not Conspiracy-Just Fact

    GSA 201Approved.
    CELL-LOCK tm/ Anti Cell Radiation/Signal Blocking EMF bags. 0- 5 ghz… rated at 90dbs signal strength “GET OFF THE GRID” Block that TRACKING Chip!
    more info at…..

    “A rebel adventurer, the likes of which, in previous days, made America great.”

    “The Only Easy Day Was Yesterday”


    Hey there voter!
    Do you remember that on Inauguration Day (Jan 20) 2009, the National Average price for a gallon of gasoline was about $ 1.78?

    The American Police State
    Martial law is on the horizon. Newly erected FEMA camps sprinkle the American landscape. A 45 billion dollar illegal spy program monitors our daily movement and every digital transaction we make. Cameras record our day-to-day activities while facial recognition technology scan and detect – all in the name of fighting a faceless enemy who can never be caught. Welcome to the AMERICAN POLICE STATE.

  2. Does mandatory surveillance seem a little spooky?

    Worried the government could confiscate your black box without a warrant?

    You may be an “enemy of the people.”

    There’s a solution! Coming to a town near you, automated train cars of love.

    Our patent pending solutions deliver breathtaking efficiency as no freedom camps need to be staffed.

    Simply jump on the fun car at a predetermined departure time and wait until your car reaches the Flaming Joy integrated propane roasting system.

    Stage 2 cleanup is easily automated by retracting bottoms.

    Integrated data feeds will save the joy for all posterity.

    Would Satan lie to you?

  3. Alex Jones has put his life and the safety of his family on the line to take a very firm stand against the 4th Reich. Being very concerned what a device has in store for us is not paranoia. Its just plain common sense. This type of invasive control over an induviduals vehicle and your body should be met with absolute rage and tearing up your politicians phones and fax machines with millions of hell no ….we…will not buy this crap..or the vehicle it is installed in..Do this now before it gets approved…once approved it will be impossible to get it overturned.Legislation is rarely overturned…History is a great teacher of these lessons. Now is the time to act..

    Vengeance Reply:
    April 25th, 2012 at 12:01 pm

    “Victory goes to those who are prepared for the worst, and with the best plan of action.”
    “If you are not willing to fight for freedom you do not deserve it.”

    Are we gonna let History repeat itself on us again.. ?

    the sage Reply:
    April 25th, 2012 at 1:32 pm

    I have no proof that Alex has risked anything at all.
    He just says that… nauseum.
    Meanwhile his show has grown as has his bottom line and waist line.
    Have you yet joined the new prison planet mulit-level marketing platform of freedom?
    Did you buy some autographed DVDs that he had other people sign?
    Integrity? Shit…most people don’t even know the meaning of the word.

  4. Isn’t Paranoid a psychosis of denial while living in a false reality vortex of black holes enveloped in sins power without wanting needing or recognizing the need of new birth power to set oneself free from said madness and paranoid state of being Rolled over by the Stoned?

  5. The WSJ?
    Who are they in the overall scheme of things?
    And some unknown reporters’ opinion is worth even less.

    Let him run his mouth… Give him as much rope as he wants because he’ll eventually hang himself with it. Count on it.

  6. (1) call people paranoid (2) they admit it make up some bs about needing black-boxes
    (3) make it impossible to do anything with-out black boxes

    Just like everything else, spain bans cash one-world currency
    it’s right in your face …

    Vengeance Reply:
    April 25th, 2012 at 12:03 pm

    Start investing that soon-to-be-banned paper currency into physical, tradeable assets..

  7. Map 21 doesn’t have anything about biometrics for permission to drive. Perhaps some stoopid “progressives” or anal retentives have wet dreams about it for the future, but it’s not part of that current piece of legislation.

    What it does have is to require event data recorders in all cars made after 2015. Right now 2/3 of all cars made today have them. These record data when there is a crash – acceleration, force of impact, where weight was in the seats, how the brakes worked, etc. It’s for insurance purposes, and the data belongs to the owner of the car, but it can be subpoenaed in the case of a personal injury lawsuit or something. However, the readers for these devices are diverse and don’t cross platforms – yet. I think they want to fix that and make them more uniform.

    It also requires there to be recording devices placed inside commercial vehicles, i.e. trucks, and maybe taxis or fleet cars. So if you ride in a taxi or a truck you might want to STFU after 2015. I suppose the remedy would be to have a private RV on a truck chassis, if you want to haul lots of stuff and still be able to talk freely. Truck chassis, because RV chassis suck.

  8. Wait until the police gets live tracking. Wait, they can do that with your cell phones now. Once the government gains the right of cell phone data on demand without a warrant or probable cause….the vehicle trackers are a consequence of this!

    If I had a million in venture capital, I’d invest in companies who make personal EM jammers.

    kenn Reply:
    April 25th, 2012 at 10:36 am

    Put more Chinese to work. What a great patriot!

    ibetheman Reply:
    April 25th, 2012 at 11:06 am

    Actually all you would have to do is : Do not buy a new auto 2015 on up. Or find the block box and disable it. This could easily be done, and even erase the data log that has been recorded! Any decent garage mechanic, or dealership mechanic, could perform this task. All that would require is to buy a shop service manual, to locate the box. This is not rocket science here.

    hammerhead Reply:
    April 25th, 2012 at 11:50 am

    no its not rocket science , but i am sure it will be illegal like paranoia and buying groceries or taking pictures or reading a newspaper in front of the courthouse while talking on a cell phone while wearing sunglasses and leather coat or not believing in global warming or……………………

    who really is paranoid here? alex or the government?

  9. Not that they care but won’t this just kill the American car industry?
    It will add cost, weight, and increase the failure rate as well as intrude on your privacy.

    Your car is spying on you. Another pain to deal with.

    Whatever is spying on me one way or the other the problem will get fixed.

    kenn Reply:
    April 25th, 2012 at 10:35 am

    What American car industry?

    They don’t care about the cost, weight etc. The higher the better,,, keeps the trash off the roads.

    Been spying on you over ten years and no one give a hoot.

    “They” are taking care of the problem as you speak… only it isn’t to your benefit…


    American proverb: It’s not a problem until it is a problem.

  10. Be VERY Paranoid! For the people that have been following this gov’t and it’s tactics against the American Public – being paranoid now may help save your lives and the lives of your loved ones. If you do not spread the word about the fake pres and his Satan Worshipers, Murderers and Rapists, then people will go along party lines and vote for a copy of Bush/Obombya. Leave the two party system of fools and go with RON PAUL because we cannot take much more of this SOB stomping on our Constitution because he wants One world gov’t and is being paid off to do the bidding of the Elite. All 535 of the SOBs in WA need to go! Take down the useless money pits in the gov’t – FED, TSA, IRS. Everyday it a new assault. Remember that we are all immortal – but there are the immortal Righteous who are devine. The power to crush this overbearing gov’t is within us.

    kenn Reply:
    April 25th, 2012 at 10:30 am

    Really? Look at Rebelfromtheburg comment above… LOL

  11. since when is the WSJ a licensed practicing psychologist-psychiatrist?
    diagnosing without license, public slander defamation of charachter,
    sounds like really fun BIG payoff lawsuits to me.

    I think Alex needs SEVERAL lawyers.
    already know it isnt about Alex getting personally RICH,
    he dumps most everything profit right back into the fight against the real bastards.
    aint saying he’s not or not entitled to be comfortable either,
    BUT.. when does he really ever take a break?

    the sage Reply:
    April 25th, 2012 at 1:38 pm

    “already know it isnt about Alex getting personally RICH,
    he dumps most everything profit right back into the fight against the real bastards.
    aint saying he’s not or not entitled to be comfortable either,”

    Assumptive delusions declared as factual grandeur.
    No better than cult leader worship.
    You have given your perspective and backside over to Alex’s choad.

  12. The WSJ is the proverbial kettle calling the pot black.

    If they want a good description of paranoid they can look down the road at that pitiful excuse we call government. The Pentagon,,, now a wholly owned subsidiary of the UN,,, is creating a new spy agency.

    For those of you still plugged in “write your con-gress critter”

  13. Screw “The Wall Street Journal” and the dumbed down wagon they rode in on! Alex I appreciate the articles on your site but be damn if I am going to clink any of the mainstream lapdog media links to give them any web traffic from me!

  14. It will be all over when they give these boxes transponder or transmitting capability. Just what do you think all those gray, rectangular boxes, on poles about 20′ in the air are put there for? They will shut you down and call the authorities if your ID is not on the permitted travel list.

  15. Well, let’s see, we’ve had 9-11 here in New York, then they had 7-11 over in England, now they had 3-11 over in Japan……”that oughta make you paranoid ?”

  16. Well Favate, fuck you Sam. Sincerely, another “paranoid” you piece of shit.

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